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"Kids!" Harry Potter fussed that hot July 4th day. The children were running around the apartment, with nothing else to really do. The power was out, because of the week long heat wave. The entire city had used their Air conditioners on high, knocking out the city power nearly a week again.
The children had played with all their toys, ran through all the batteries for their game boys and decided it was time for tag. "Daddy!" Whined their youngest child, three year old Leonardo, as he hurried over to Harry in his swimming shorts. "I know you three are bored, but we live in an apartment. You can't annoy our neighbors. You three must find something else to do." Harry said, getting a frown form his toddler, before he went back to his big siblings, 9 year old, Nathaniel and almost 11 year old Eleanor. 

Harry grabbed some water out the cooler in the living room, before dropping down in the dinning room chair, taking a bit drink of water. Finally, his cell phone rang. Approving their time at the gym, the play with running water and a swimming pool. "Kids! It's time to get in the car." Harry said. "Is it our turn again?" Eleanor asked. She was almost Eleven years old, so she was a bit embarrassed standing in her own swimming suit, often holding her very light work out jacket closed to hide herself. "It is, so grab your bags so we can go get freshen up. I'm going to go get your pappy." Harry said.


The kids called in Harry's car. Eleanor was in the middle seat, because she didn't have a car seat. Nathaniel still sat in a booster seat even though he was nine years old, because he was too short and he didn't weight 35.5 Kg, and neither weight nor height was coming quickly for the small boy. Leonardo was in a toddler seat, getting buckled in by Harry and handed all three children a water bottle. "Why did the heat make the power go out?" Nathaniel asked. "Because everybody tried to cool them homes at once and it was just to much. I know it's miserable, but we will make it through, together." Harry smiled lightly at his children before climbing in the driver seat and finally, Draco, who's long hair had long bee thrown up in a sloppy bun, just to get it off his neck, threw his and Harry's bags in the tuck beside their children and climbed on the passenger seat. "Mum needs us to keep Violet. So, we are having to switch vehicles. She's meeting us at the gym." Draco said. "I'm assuming your father is back in the hospital?" Harry frowned. "The heat is proving to be problematic. They agreed to admit him, because it's his third time in the week, but she isn't four teen years old." Draco said. "Nathaniel, you are going to have to share Leo's room, alright?" Harry said. "Why do I get kicked out of our bedroom because of little auntie?" He frowned. "Because you are annoying when we talk, that's why." Eleanor fussed. "Elly, that's a bit rude. However, Nathaniel, Elly and Violet are girls. You know you are different then your big sister. This coming school year, is going to be the last year Elly is in primary school. Next year? She's going to be in a different world and you and Leo might have to start sharing a bedroom." Harry said. "I really think we should look into at least a bigger apartment, I rather a house, but an apartment is fine." Draco said. Harry gave his partner a light smile. "I'd be open to a bigger place to call home, sure. It has to keep near the schools, however." Harry said. "I know, Really." Draco said. "Alright, kids. Let's go get a shower and play in a bit of water while we have the chance." Harry said.


Harry checked them into the gym and told them had three hours to do what they needed to do, before the next families came. The children of course all jumped in the pool, long overdue for water. Even Leonardo, who wasn't the best at swimming, jumped in. Eleanor grabbed her brother when he didn't come up right away. "Bad, brother." She fussed. "You and brother did!" He fussed, as she slowly let him go, and he started to float a bit in the water. "We can swing! You only had one class, the next swimming class doesn't start until August, brother. You have to be careful." Eleanor said, before they both got slapped by the water, when Violet jumped in the pool joining them. She giggled and the two girls started to talk.

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