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Harry woke up the same as just about every morning, vomiting in the toilet. This pregnancy had been hell for some time. The potions aided, but not during his sleep so he woke up just about every morning, vomiting.

His husband did the same, yawned, but followed his 22 week pregnant husband into the bathroom. Harry felt the kiss to the top of his head and a light rub on his back, that kept until Harry reached up and flushed the toilet. Harry felt another kiss, before Harry got to his feet, and walked over to the sink. "How's being the manger at your store?" Harry asked. Draco had just been promoted at the department store, that he now worked full time. "It's... different, but the pay is better, so I can't complain too much." Draco said as Harry started to brush his teeth, glancing at the wall clock. At least he slept through most of the night. It was almost five, and the alarm was due to go off in roughly half an hour. "I've been used to management for a while, thought, your department store is much different then the company I work for." Harry said, after his finished brushing his teeth and turned around to face Draco. His hair was unruly, as he had yet to take a brush too it. Draco hair was down to his tail bone, and wavy because he often kept it in braids, other then at night or when Harry took his hair down at night. Harry liked his long blonde hair. Harry just stroked his cheek and Draco smiled lightly, giving Harry a light kiss. "Elly was excited, that was for sure." Draco smiled. "That the twins are girls?" Harry said and Draco nodded. "Of course. She's been wanting a sister for a very long time. Leonardo, isn't pushing off his idea of the twins in his room." Draco said. "No, and I don't mind. Soon, I'll get the room ready for them, come back to bed." Harry said. "I'd like that."


Draco called the children for breakfast a little before seven. The children dressed for their school day and backpacks sitting on the couches as Harry went through mail the day before. "Daddy." Leonardo said, pulling on Draco's pants. "Yes, Leo?" Draco said, but picked him up and sat him in his chair at the table. "Why can't I came with you?" He frowned. "Because you have to go to daycare. We start looking at preschools soon! So daycare will only be for a little longer." Draco said to their small child, a boy of almost five years old. "I don't like daycare." He frowned. "It's only for a little long. Eat your breakfast." Draco said. "Is your friend coming back over after school?" Draco asked his daughter, Elenore. A girl of twelve years old who was in year seven, her Frist year of secondary school. "It depends on Math. Sometimes we can finish at lunch, other times it more complicated, and she needs a tutor." Elenore said. "I don't mind, she seems like a sweet girl." Draco said. "She's shy, and they call her ginger. She's real pale like uncle is, but maybe even more pale and she's got really bright red hair. People call her weird too." Elenore said. "You are not weird, Elly. Some people are just childish is all." Draco said. "I know." She said, starting to eat her breakfast.
Draco watched Harry throw away another letter, before he sat down at the table and picked up his piece of toast. "Who keeps writing you?" Draco asked, pushing around the food on his own plate. Draco's eating disorder had been showing it's ugly head the last couple of weeks and Harry noticed it. Draco was loosing weight and Draco was annoyed at the added, after work, therapy appointments he was made to go to and Harry getting extra fussy when he found out Draco didn't eat lunch, after hardly touching breakfast. "My aunt. Don't really care what she has to say." Harry mumbled, taking a bite of toast. "Harry...I'm sure she wouldn't write, unless it was important." Draco pointed out. "There's nothing I can do for that woman, and I'm not going back there. Whatever is going on is her problem, I haven't step foot in the house since I was seventeen years old." Harry said. "I...suppose that is true." Draco said.


Harry shut the door to the van, after wishing his children a good day at daycare and school, before turning towards his husband. "Eat lunch, Draco. Your dropping a lot of weight." Harry said softly, cupping his chin. "It's...not been easy." Draco whispered. "I know...But you are determined to keep off you medicine, so prove you can take back control." Harry said, placing a light kiss on his lips. "Okay, Harry. Be careful." Draco said. "Always." Harry smiled lightly.
Draco started the van and pulled out of their Drive to drop the children off at school and daycare. Elenore sitting beside him in the passage seat, with Nathaniel and Leonardo in their normal seats. "Daddy is worried about you, pappy." Elenore said. "I know...I'm working on that, I promise." Draco said softly. "I'm not so little anymore, maybe, I can help?" She asked. "It's something I have to do myself, Elly, but thank you." Draco said, giving their daughter a smile. "Okay. Are you sure you don't mind her coming over?" She asked. "Yes, I'm sure. I'm gald you made a friend, I really am." Draco smiled lightly. "She's nice, I like her." Elenore said. "I'm glad, really." Draco said.
Draco dropped off his three children before he pulled into the parking lot of the department store he worked out, letting out a sigh. He wasn't sure if taking this promotion was a good thing or not, or if a lot of things were good. He was starting to struggle mentally, and that worried Harry who didn't want their lives to fall apart. Draco grabbed he small backpack and finally climbed out of the van to start his work day.

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