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Neither man could believe just how fast the last seven months went by. Draco Managed to keep his mental health stabilized. He really only had a couple bad days the whole seven months. Harry didn't hold the couple of bad days against him, as Draco kept to his word, even throughout the Pregnancy. Draco went to Therapy, his meetings and kept updated with the doctor about the pregnancy. Most of Draco's determination was, he didn't want to go back on medication and this was the only way to make that possible.

"Kids! Breakfast!" A very pregnant Draco Malfoy yelled down the hallway of that three bedroom apartment. It was once just Harry's and the children, but once the new year started, Draco was put on the lease and the guest bedroom was transformed into a nursery for their unborn son. Their son was due in just two more weeks.
Eleanor hurried into her chair at the dinner table, all dressed up for her school pictures. Harry spent a pretty penny on her Fancy white dress. Draco smile. "Don't you look pretty!" Draco said, giving her head a big kiss. Her hair in braids, with little balls on the bed. "Thank you, pappy! Now, have a girl next time." Eleanor said and Draco chuckled. "Baby, I can't control what the baby is." Draco said and she smiled. "You can try and say the next baby will be a girl." She said. "The next baby could be another boy, Eleanor. You know, Uncle Ron? His mommy had six boys before she had a girl." Draco pointed out. "I know, but I want a sister." She said. "I know, sweet girl. Maybe one day, okay?" Draco said.
"Nathaniel! It's time for breakfast!" Draco yelled for. Finally, Nathaniel came out of the bedroom, ready for his day at daycare, and climbed in his seat at the dinner table. "You are very unenthusiastic about the day, little man." Draco said. "I don't like going to daycare!" He fuss. "You know daddy as told you, it's only for a little be longer. Once sister is out of school, you won't be going to daycare anymore. Then, we have to get you ready for school." Draco said, patting his head, as Draco took his seat at the table. "Why can't I just stay home with you now?" He fussed. "Because, I told you, Your pappy as too rest until your brother is born. You are not going to argue with me again. You'll seat your butt in time out, again." Harry said, before he walked over to the coffee pot and poured himself a mug of coffee. "I don't like daycare." He fussed. "Nathaniel! Not another word about going to daycare young man." Harry said. Nathaniel made a huff noise, but started to eat his breakfast as Harry joined their table.
"How long have they been married?" Draco asked. "Couple years, why?" Harry asked, between a bit of a pancake. "Just thinking we have three, well, almost, children and they still don't have any." Draco pointed out. "Hermione wants to finish Medical school. That's why they get the kids a weekend a month, something a bit around the breaks. Summer a couple weeks. Ron's been trying to convince her before, but doesn't want to seem selfish, so, he is hoping to borrow our baby." Harry chuckled. "Not for a few weeks." Draco fussed. "Love, it will do him good to meet his family members early. I promise it will be okay." Harry pointed out. "I'll...think about them 'borrowing' our baby. How much longer is medical school anyway?" Draco asked. "Two or three more years? I'm not certain the number of credits she's lacking." Harry said, before checking the watch he wore. "Kids, hurry with your breakfast, we must get going." Harry said.


After the children gave Draco his hugs and Harry gave Draco his kiss, Draco shut the door. Draco was alone in the apartment, with an upset stomach. Little Leonardo was moving inside him. Not only did it cause his back to ache, it upset his stomach and breakfast wasn't setting very well. So, less then ten minutes later, Draco was vomiting in the toilet.
Draco slowly cleaned himself up and cleaned up form breakfast before he opted to take a nap, on the couch.


Harry's work was close enough that he could drive to the apartment complex on his lunch hour, and spend a part of it there with Draco, before going back to work and NOT be late clocking back in, that he choice to do so, all but Mondays. Mondays his lunch was half an hour because of the morning meetings that took place each Monday. Today wasn't Monday, so he unlocked his apartment door a little after one.
Draco woke up to the light kiss on his lips and smile lightly when he seen Harry. "One...already?" Draco yawned. "Yeah. Let me make you a sandwich." Harry said. "No, no. I thought after a nap, my stomach would settle, but I'd be wrong." Draco said as Harry aided him in sitting up on the couch. "Maybe it's time we go see the healer?" Harry asked, easing to sit on the coffee table, across from Draco. "No, no. It's not that kind of pains. Just an upset stomach, Harry." Draco said. "I'd feel better, once I got home with the children, we take a trip to see the healer. I know you like your doctor, but the spell is much simpler then you going to the hospital." Harry pointed out. "I know, really. I...suppose a check up would be fine." Draco said, watching Harry get to his feet. Harry pulled Draco's chin up and placed a slow kiss on his lips. "You sure I can't make you a sandwich?" Harry asked. "I'm sure. I'm going to at least finish the load of laundry and probably watch a bit of television. Why don't you head back to work? Pick you up some lunch." Drack said. "You know how I feel about fast food love. I'll just eat lunch here." Harry said, pulling Draco to his feet. "Alright, I'm going to finish the load then." Draco said.


Harry picked the children up form school and daycare. "We are taking a trip, kids." Harry said, as he started to drive towards the apartment. "Is it time for brother?" Nathaniel asked. "It might be. We are going to have a special checkup for your pappy. He's been real achy today, I can tell." Harry said. "Does that mean we have to get another sitter?" Eleanor frowned. "No, sweet girl. You two are coming with us." Harry replied, finishing the drive back. He called the apartment phone, with his flip phone to tell Draco to come down to the car.
A few minutes later, Draco sat down in the car.
They would have to drive to the manor, so they could use the fire place to head to the healer.


A few hours later? Draco sat up holding the newest member of the Potter family. A very healthy little boy was delivered by a special on May 5th, 2007.
Eleanor was very excited to hold her new brother, sitting in the chair beside the bed. Harry close by as Leonardo made a tiny little noise before he started to suck on his brand new binky, looking back up at his big sister with his tiny baby blue eyes. "He is so tiny." She said. "Just like you and Nathaniel, he will grow. He will be bigger and playing before you realize it." Harry said. "My turn!" Nathaniel said, holding out his arms as he sat beside Draco. Harry smiled lightly. "You have to be very careful with the baby, Nathaniel." Harry said. "I will be careful daddy!" He said.
Harry took the baby form his daughter and laid him down slowly in the arms of his son, who grind. He already loved his baby brother, who whined a little at being moved, before he settled down and started sucking on his binky again. "How long before we can go home?" Draco asked. "A few more hours. He has to be sure you heal. The spell takes just a few hours to fully take place, don't you remember?" Harry asked. "Not completely, love. Other things have Since been on my mind." Draco admitted. Harry lend over and gave him a light kiss. "It'll be alright. Rest, I got the kiddos." Harry said. "Oddly enough, I'm wide awake." Draco said. "I'd say, it is part of the spell." Harry said, giving draco another light kiss.


They spent a few more hours under the care of the healer, but by seven that evening, Harry took Draco and his three children home.

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