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Draco Malfoy sat up in the bed in the hospital wing. Thanks to a spell, Their son was born when he was ready to come, June 2nd, 2001.

The boy sucking on his new binky, slowly going to sleep resting in Draco's arms, who felt the light kiss to his head. Harry joining the bed, with his daughter on his lap, looking all wide eyed at her new half brother, Nathaniel. Nathaniel had bright blonde hair, with baby blue eyes, so currently, they didn't know what he's eyes colour would be. It could go either way, but it didn't matter. Nathaniel was a healthy baby boy, and Draco could finally go back on his medication and hopefully things would get easier.

--Two years later--
--June 2nd, 2003--

"Kids, slow down!" Narcissa Malfoy yelled at the three toddlers, Violet, Elenore and Nathaniel. The three of them were running around the living room, waiting on breakfast to finish cooking. Lucius Malfoy turned off the television a couple minutes later, when Nathaniel tripped on the carpet and fell. He just turned two years old today, so when he fell? He thought it was the end of the world and started to cry. "Now, now, Nath." Lucius said, picking the boy up. Nathaniel hair was still bright blonde, but his eyes turned green when he was a few months old. Nathaniel sobbed and buried his head in his grandfathers neck. "Girls! Enough. Sit your butts on the couch until breakfast is ready." Lucius said, pointing to the close. Almost three year old Violet and almost four year old Eleanor frowned but hurried over to the couch.
Lucius carried the boy into the kitchen and sat him down on the counter. He fussed, rubbing his eye. "Now, now. You are just fine." Lucius said. "Tell me why Draco started at the bakery? I don't mind to watch the kids, but I thought he hated that Sue woman." Lucius said. "Sue is just a hateful woman. Well, the supermarket closed and it's better for Draco if he works, seeing how he went off his meds so they could try again for another." Narcissa said. "Why not Potter?" Lucius asked. "Because the odds of Harry becoming pregnant is a lot lower because she done something to him. Draco is somebody we all can aid in, Harry, if you recall, isn't so easy." Narcissa pointed out. "I suppose so. Just seem like this kids are more wild withiut either one of them here." Lucius said. "Because you have them spoiled and you feed them sweets." Narcissa chuckled. "What's wrong with that?" He asked. "Nothing, love. Breakfast is almost ready, grab his highchair would you?" She asked.


The pair got the toddlers down for a nap and Lucius pulled his wife into the bedroom, taking up her time until their own daughter knocked on the door to their bedroom after her nap.
Narcissa smiled lightly opened the door. Violet was rubbing her eye, letting out a tiny yawn. "Where's Elly and Nath?" Narcissa asked. "Still nappy." She said. "Alright, come on big girl." She said.


"Daddy! Pappy!" Eleanor and Nathaniel said about one, when the pair got off work. Eleanor run to Harry and Nathaniel went to Draco who picked up both their children and gave them both a hug. "Did you two have a good day?" Narcissa said, who put the diaper bags down. They were heading to the park, for Nathaniel's second birthday. "I got a ridiculous order for bread tomorrow. No idea why they need that much breed." Harry said, shifting Eleanor to his left side. She locked her hand on his shoulder. She knew she a bit big for him to hold, but she always missed him much when he was gone. "What time do you need to go in?" She asked. "I'm guessing I need to be there by three." Harry said. "I can drive him to work." Narcissa said. "I haven't yet decided if I want to go or not." Draco said. "Either way is fine, really. Harry said, and the two kids got put back on their feet. "Get your shoes. We are about to leave." Harry said.


Harry drove the car, Draco sitting in the passenger seat and the two kids in their car seat, playing with their car toys to keep them busy when in the car. "I want you to go back on your medicine, Draco. It's been four month, and it's the third cut you've mean." Harry said. "I'd just have to go off it when-" Draco started. "Your not getting pregnant. I'm not loosing you to your head over a baby. It's not worth it." Harry said and Draco huffed. "You promised me-" Draco said "You also promised me, you wouldn't cut, two blood times ago. Go back on your medicine, Draco." Harry said. "Harry." Draco said. "Draco, this isn't up for talk. You had me bloody sent to the mental hospital because I failed to control myself on medication. It's not fair to me or them, for you to be unhealthy, I know you want another baby, but it's not worth the risks." Harry said. "Harry..." Draco whispered. "Draco, I love you, but Elly knows something wrong. Go back on your meds, or I'm taking the children and staying with Hermione and Ron for a while." Harry said. "You aren't about to take off with my children." Draco said. "I will if it's the only way to get my point across and keep the children form knowing what's wrong. You can fight me for Nathaniel, but you won't win my daughter." Harry said. It kept quiet for a few minutes and Harry opened the dash. Draco slowly grabbed the pill bottles. "I'm going to spend the night with Pansy." Draco said, after taking the pills. "The children stay with me, Draco." Harry said. "Fine." Draco said.


The pair didn't act any different at the party, for their son, and Narcissa didn't think to much of it when Draco let with Pansy, an old friend, but when it came to almost seven, and he still wasn't home, she went to find Harry, who was giving the kids a bath, his two. "Harry have you heard from Draco? He left with Pansy after the party." Narcissa said. "He's spending the night with them." Harry said, getting to his feet. "Why? The last time he went there, it was over-" She started to say before letting out a sigh. "Harry, you can't make him go back on his medicine." She said softly. "He can have me sent to the mental institution, I sure can tell him to go back on his pills. It's not worth it. He can get pissy if he wants. He doesn't come home in a couple days, then I'll take the kids with me to Hermione and Ron's." Harry said and she let out a sigh. "Fine." She said, and disappear.


Harry tucked the children into bed, the bedroom they shared because they wanted to keep together and he would go to bed, to get up early the next morning for work.

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