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Harry pulled Draco to his feet, before he cupped his chin and placed a very slow kiss on his lips. Draco then grabbed his hand, pushing it to his stomach. Their son was very active. He was moving around inside Draco since sometimes last night. The boy wouldn't rest and Draco was starting to get the pains again. The pains that he was about to have their son. It was still very mild, so they'd go about their Saturday day like normal. Draco wasn't ready for the trip to the healer anyway. Unlike Harry, Draco didn't mind the spell. He rather it, then struggle with the pains off surgery.

Lily Potter ended up moving in with her sister, for more then one reason. She needed more rest then she could get with such active little ones. After another failed surgery, it weakened her body and she started hurting more. It caused her to be over there more times then not, anyway, and when the announcement of Draco's pregnancy came out. It was decided. She'd move in with her sister. The guestroom became the nursery less then a month later.

"Kids or breakfast?" Harry asked Draco. "Breakfast. I haven't been able to run after the twins in three months." Draco laughed, getting another kiss form Harry. "Did Rain spend the night? You know how I feel." Harry pointed out. "They were caught, twice, by his father in his car and someplace else. They are going to be together, anyway. At least we know were they are, Harry. We both have talked to her, countless times, about being responsible." Draco pointed out and with a sigh. "She's sixteen." Harry said. "You and I both know, what teenagers do. I don't like it either, but it's going to happen either way. He was on the couch last I Saw." Draco said as Harry slipped on his jacket. The house was still cold. It was freezing outside that late November day. "Alright. Alright." Harry said.


Harry turned on the overhead light to the bedroom the three, younger kids shared. Finally, Harry and Draco agreed to let the girls get bunk beds. Narcissa Star kept to the top bunk and Lily Angel slept on the bottom bunk on the left side of the bedroom. Their side of the room was redone in purple. It didn't quite match the green half of the room, still painted for Leonardo. He was like his big brother, a his pappy. He liked green and if he went to Hogwarts, he'd likely be housed in S. Harry loved it. Eleanor was more a ravenclaw girl, but his boys? Were more like Draco. Now, the twins? Narcissa was definitely more like Harry. Lily? They couldn't really tell.  They didn't mind, they loved their children no matter what.
Leonardo sat up frist on his bed. "Dad it's Saturday!" He complained but Harry smiled. "We still have breakfast together, son. Get up and get ready for the days. Girls!" Harry said, causing a little groan form the bunk beds, but little Narcissa started the climb down the small later. "When is it going to be baby time?" She asked her daddy, running over to him. Harry smiled and picked her up. "Soon. Your pappy is starting to get uncomfortable. A good thing. So, you kids must behave, alright?" Harry said, getting a nod form his daughter. Harry put her down. "Get ready for the day, kids." Harry said.

Harry turned the light on in the bedroom his two teenagers shared, and currently a third. Rain was asleep on the couch by the window on their room. "Up you three." Harry said. Nathaniel got to his feet, standing his his boxers and stretched his body out. Harry heard the fourteen year Olds back pop. "Can I stay home?" Nathaniel asked. He already knew Draco was likely going to have their brother today. "You don't want to go to St. Mungo? Maybe see your aunt and Uncle?" Harry asked as Nathaniel grabbed his shirt form yesterday and put it on. "I dont like it there, dad. I look to much like Papa and grandpa." Nathaniel said. "Didn't I tell you to tell me if they said anything to you?" Harry asked. "It doesn't change anything, dad. Please?" Nathaniel asked. "You going home, Rain? We can't exactly take you." Harry said. "Or I could stay? We have a rematch on the Playstation." Rain said, towards Nathaniel. "Suppose you boys can stay. I'll just have Ron come pick the twins up, so you can at least say hello." Harry said to Nathaniel, as Eleanor slipped out form under her covers. She put her feet on the carpet of their room, letting out a yawn. She started to undo the barids in her hair. She'd leave her very long, slightly crazy hair today. Maybe. She thought about putting it into a low pony tail. At least keeping it all together on the fly over there. "Didn't you two fight about a week ago?" Nathaniel pointed out. "More a discussion, son. Nothing for you to worry about, alright? Get dressed. Breakfast is getting cook." Harry said.

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