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A month has passed by, and yes, it was confirmed the next day, Draco Malfoy was pregnant, who was now 12 weeks long. The Healer started Draco on a weekly potion and unfortunately, they had to travel back each Monday morning, to get a check up. Male pregnancy was very new and it was high risk, for both father and child, so they needed to be watched.

Harry kept quiet for about a week, overthinking what happened with Ginny Weasley, but After about a million times, Draco's words got through, so now? Harry had a picture in his wallet of Draco's eleven week little bitty belly, that meant everything to the broken man. He would do anything for his child, even if it wasn't easy. It wasn't easy for Harry Potter to listen to somebody who was taking the role of a mother towards him. He knew, deep down, she was simply looking out for his best interest. It wasn't always easy for Harry to remember that, but on a bad day, he either pulled out his wallet, looking at that picture or called for Draco, who could see Harry was upset, and knew what Harry needed. Draco loved Harry's hand on his stomach and it seemed their child knew, because even at a tiny 12 weeks old, his belly always moved even just a touch. The tiny magical baby letting Daddy Harry know to remember me.

It was now cold late November Day, so Lucius had the fire place going with his daughter settled on his lap having her morning bottle when Harry and Draco came down the stairs. Lucius raised an eyebrow. "Is that your baker uniform?" Lucius asked, seeing the all white clothes. The white long sleeve shirt, a white pants, white boots and a white apron that Harry was finishing tying around him, resting the bow on his left side. "Yes. My psychiatrist approved me back, thankfully, full time. So I'm making to Monday - Friday 04:00 until 12:00-14:00 depending on the orders." Harry said. "Why so early?" Lucius asked. "Because we also do bread inside a store that opens at seven and the bread is something done first, so it's ready." Harry pointed out. "Today, however, I'm later then normal." Harry added. "Alright. Enjoy your day back then." Lucius said, before returning his attention back to the television set. "Bring me a cookie?" Draco asked, getting his chin gripped lightly and a light kisses placed on it. "Yes, I'll bring you a cookie." Harry smiled lightly, before he grabbed his Car keys. A little two door car that only fit four, he wasn't used to having a passenger, let only two more and an infant car seat.


Draco grabbed a frozen waffle and pop it in the toaster before Lucius joined him in the kitchen, putting Violet in the high chair. She was being fussy and started to whine. "Now, now. What is the matter?" Draco asked, walking over to the high chair. "She's teething, Your mama put a couple baby rings in the freezer last night. Should help." Lucius said to his son, as he opened the freezer and found the pink teething ring. He handed it to Violet who started to suck on it and her whines slowly stopped. Draco grabbed his waffle as his mom hurried down the stairs. "I'm so bloody late." She frowned. "I wasn't aware you worked today." Lucius said. "They changed my day with somebody else. I forget to set my alarm." Narcissa said, giving her baby a kiss on the cheek, place a quick kiss to her husband's lips and Draco's forehead before she hurried out the door. "Harry...seems better." Lucius said. "Stable...that cam quickly turned the other way...Nights have been difficult if he can't sleep...and that's often." Draco whispered, taking another bite of his waffle. "Is there...something he can take to help him sleep?" Lucius asked. "He can't have sleeping medicines. There's a reason he only has medicine for a week at a time." Draco pointed out. "Your mother can always keep them." Lucius pointed out. "I'll...see if he wants to make that an option. No promises." Draco said, before he finished his waffle and went back upstairs.


Harry came home that early afternoon with visitors. Hermione and Ron. Lucius glanced over at the pair, really his attention went to Ron who had still caused problems not only with Hermione, but with Harry, but returned to his recliner after putting Violet in her crib for her nap. "Draco laid down about a hour ago." Lucius said. "I've got to change anyway." Harry said, heading up the stairs with the small bag the held Draco's cookie. Harry give Draco a light kiss, who yawned waking up. He smiled when he seen Harry.  "You smell yummy." Draco said and Harry chuckled. "I changed by the smell Legers sometimes, here, I got your cookie." Harry said, holding out the small bag. Draco grind and sat up, quickly taking a bit of one of Harry's fresh man chocolate chip cookies. "Did you enjoy your Frist day?" Draco asked, between bites of cookies. "Yes, I did. I have always enjoyed baking." Harry said, easing to sit down on the bed. "Something's, on your mind?" Draco asked. "Something is always on my mind, Draco. Hermione's downstairs, finally told her." Harry said. "I'm... assuming she isn't alone." Draco said softly. "That would be correct, he hasn't said anything yet." Harry said. "It seems to always come. I guess she wants to talk to me hum?" Draco asked, finishing the last of the cookie. "She'd like that, yes." Harry said and Draco nodded, getting out of the bed and the pair headed downstairs.

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