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Harry and Draco? Ended up breaking up again. Draco kept lying to Harry and his parents about being on his medicine and after Draco tried to kill him back in 2004, Harry won cousdy over the two children and moved out of the manor, another state and limited the contact the Draco until he agreed to get help. It took Draco until 2005 to start getting help again, but I told Draco could prove himself stable and on his own, he didn't even have visitation over his children because the one court order one back in late 2005, Nathaniel got out of the apartment Draco lived in and was found ten blocks over.

So, it had been almost a year since Draco seen the children or even called Harry who spent the last three years just trying to raise his two children and keep them protected. He never imaged it would be form their father, but Draco actually had legal rights over Eleanor, but she did believe Draco to be her second father. Harry agreed a long time ago, if he could get things approved with their son, Eleanor would come with him.


"Kids! We have to go!" Harry called form the front door, with Eleanor's backpack and Nathaniel's diaper bag. Even though he was five, he was still at daycare, he couldn't join school until he was six years old. "Don't feel good, daddy." Nathaniel frowned. Harry put his hand to his forehead, Nathaniel didn't have a temperature. "You just don't want to go to daycare." Harry said. "Why can't I go to school?" He frowned. "Because your not old enough, sweet boy. Come on, we have to get going." Harry said.

Harry dropped Eleanor off at the primary school and was driving Nathaniel to daycare. "Why can't I talk to pappy?" He asked. "Your pappy is sick, Nathaniel. Until he gets help, it isn't safe for you or your sister." Harry said. "It's just a phonecall. I miss him." He frowned. "I know you do, but it's not safe, Nathaniel." Harry said. He went quite and slowly went into daycare, Harry going to his stupid office job. He hated his job, but he couldn't keep his job at the bakery because the hours would make it impossible to get a babysitter.


Harry sat down in the breakroom for lunch about one and called the daycare, checking on Nathaniel, who was fine like always, but Harry worried deeply about his children. He grabbed his lunch and just opened the microwave. "Can...we talk?" He heard Draco say. "Unless you have proof, you know I'm not going to believe it. I tried that, remember?" Harry said but turned, facing the man he hadn't seen in ten months. Draco's hair was back on the braid he wore when they first meet, in the bakery's uniform and rubbing his arm just slightly. "You should have an email from my father. All...I want is a picture..." He said. Harry let out a sigh, leaving his lunch in the microwave and had Draco follow him to his office. He grabbed the picture he done of Nathaniel on Eleanor's 7th birthday. Draco slowly grabbed it. Harry could tell he seemed disappointed. And glanced around his office. "You can take the one by the door too. It's older. Haven't picked up the new ones yet." Harry said walking over to his computer and loaded his emails and after a read. "A part of the agreement, you went back on your medicine, Draco. The judge even agreed after your second attempt." Harry huffed. "And after six months, another one agreed I could try to come off them again if I agreed to out patient treatment, a therapist and I move back in with my parents." Draco said and after a sigh, Harry dropped downs in his office chair. "... fine. What is it you want, Draco?" Harry said. "What is it going to take for you to let me see my kids? It's been almost a year." Draco said. "When our judge says you can or must I remind you what could of happened to your son, when he was ten city blocks away form your apartment in the same clothes I dropped him off in?" Harry said and Draco shifted uncomfortable to one foot to another. "I know I made a lot of mistakes since forever...But...Please Harry? I'm just asking to see them. You don't have to leave them with me." Draco said. "I have a guest room...Do you drive again yet?" Harry asked. "No...it makes me anxious." Draco said. "...I'll pick you up at the bakery. Do not, make me regret this." Harry said.

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