chapter thirteen.

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Hermione didn't have any luck in convincing either young man to agree to actually eat something if they left on that oddly warm September morning. Hermione also could tell why Draco's parents would be worried about him eating. The clothes Draco wore, hung loosely and where big on the small man. Draco's shoulder calor could be seen and unknown to her, so could his rib cage and Harry even noticed his hip bones starting to stick out. Draco, was getting back to that weight that was dangerous for a young adult of eighteen years old. Hermione really didn't have any ideas on how to get Draco to eat, but at least Harry agreed to eat something. So, Hermione made some eggs and some bacon for her best friend.

Draco's attention went to his noisy little sister. Her daddy had put her in that playpen in the living room and she wasn't a happy girl because she wanted attention she wasn't getting. Draco got up for his spot on the couch, as far away form Ronald as he could and walked over to the playpen. "Has she-" Draco asked. "Yes, she's just being spoiled." Lucius said, on his way up the stairs. Draco wasn't sure what the man was doing but he really didn't care. His relationship with his father wasn't great, but at least wasn't awful anymore. He picked up Violet, and held her against his chest. Her noises stopped as she nuzzled her head to his chest. "You are spoiled rotten." Draco said to the girl, grabbing the little blanket off the crib and made his why back over to the couch, easing back down.

Half an hour went by before Lucius returned downstairs. He choice to leave Viv where she was, asleep on the couch beside Draco, nuzzled in the blanket he warped around her. "Your mum said Timothy called." Lucius said. "Now really isn't the time for that." Draco fussed, crossing his arms. "Because your going to address it later?" Lucius said getting eyes rolled at him. It kept quiet as Hermione and Harry joined the living room once more. Harry eased down on the opposite side of the sleeping girl, easy, to not walk her, and hermione eased beside Ronald, who brought his right ankle to rest on his left knees. "Isn't Timothy that muggle healer you drugged us too?" Ron said. "Timothy is a psychiatrist, Ron. I've told you this. Harry and I still go and your brother also started going, but why? You've sine refused to go to him since then." Hermione pointed out. "He's going...or more then likely, not going, because he called." Ron said. "How about keeping your bloody nose out of places it's not wanted, Weasley?" Draco spat, getting somewhat of a hateful look at him. "A toddler is able to throw you! It's been a month since that day and you have managed to lose even more weight, how the hell, I don't know, nor do I care but other people do." He half yelled back at the blond, that work the infant girl on the couch.

A pissed off Draco got to his feet and just looked over at Ron, who didn't look at the young man. Lucius knew Draco was about to strom off and kicked his recliner back where it is supposed to go. "Miss Grainger, please see if you can claim her down." Lucius said and that's when Draco opened his mouth. "You can go fuck yourself, Weasley!" Draco bitched out, before turning around and handed to the stairs, and Lucius got to his feet, to chase after his son. "Draco!" He said, and Draco turned back around. Draco's face expression was a mix of angry and pain. "You can also fuck off!" Draco said. "Your mother and I aren't doing this again with you." Lucius said and Draco just throw his hands up. "Nobody fucking asked you to the first time!" Draco said and that was the last thing spoke in English, until Draco stormed upstairs and Lucius following.

Hermione picked up Violet, who was crying. "Shh, your okay." She said softly, before turning to Ron. "Can you not keep quiet, at all?" Hermione frowned, to hear a laugh from Harry. "Yeah, right." Harry said, easing back into the couch. Harry, wasn't the only one with mental troubles. "Doesn't mean he has to be so sensitive to shut. You can't tell me he isn't nothing but bone, and that's with clothes on." Ron said. "He is boney, but something you refuse to understand, when it comes to shit in your head? It's near impossible! You haven't a clue or you just don't give a damn!" Harry said, in a raise voice. It scared the infant even more, and one of the overhead lightbulbs popped. "Both of you! Shut up!" Hermione then hissed at both her boyfriend and best friend.

It took a few, quiet minute, before Violet wasn't crying. She was still a little whinny, because she wanted her daddy, but she was no longer scared. Hermione just grabbed the lap blanket Lucius used often and tucked it around the infant girl. Violet nuzzled into it and started to suck once more on the binky being held to her mouth, looking at Hermione with her big grey eyes. "Think you can manage to find them? Without saying something?'" Hermione asked. "I'm not going in search of Malfoy, Hermione. Because I will fight back if he pulls out his wand." Ron said. "He isn't a threat! How many times do I have to jam that in your head!" Harry spat out. "Enough!" Hermione said, turing to face the both of them. "it's been months!" Hermione said. "You don't have to butt your nose into the problems between us." Ron said, and she frowned. "I don't want you two fighting! It's ever single day!" She said, but Ron just get to his feet. "Mom wants me to come for a visit anyway and I need to fly." Ron said.

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