Chapter Eight

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Draco shrugged his shoulders at his father, who pulled the handle on his recliner and relaxed himself into it. Draco looked back at Harry, who shook his head. Harry didn't have much hope for being able to sleep, and it had been a few days since he had been able to bake anything. "How about I leave some money and I make some sweets." Harry said. "You are welcomed to the kitchen Mr. Potter, but we aren't taking your money." Lucius said and Harry opened his mouth to objects, but Draco shook his head. "You won't win. I' to give you a hand...but the a problem. It's...high pitched." Draco frowned. "I'll use another form of timer then." Harry said, grabbing his crutches.

Draco sat up on the counter, watching Harry, move about the kitchen, even with a broken leg, in a cast, get out what he needed to start making a cake and some chocolate chip cookies. Draco? Studied the young man before him. Harry wasn't at all that same boy he was at the end of the war. Harry's looks alone had changed. Starting with his hair, if was purple, a dyed purple. Draco had questions, but he didn't want to ask them, not yet anyway. Harry still wore a small pair of black frame glasses on his face to help his poor vision without them. Harry had a nose ring in. It was small, but Draco couldn't help but noticed it. Harry's clothes seemed nothing other then black or dark purple for colours. Mostly black jeans and black shirts, as the weather was warm, still. Why Draco found odd, was the black, tight, bracelets he kept on his right wrist and Draco at one put, thought he seen glimpses of what could be a tattoo, but Harry couldn't have a tattoo, could he? Draco's face, was a light pink after studying of Harry while he made the cake.

Half an hour pause by, and Harry eased down to rest in the dinning room chair. The cake was in the oven and he wasn't certain what shapes to put his cookies into. He could care less about the time. "So...I assumed you have a job?" Draco asked and Harry nodded. "I work in a bakery...I very much enjoy my time working there." Harry said softly and Draco smiled lightly. "I actually work in the morning...Did she speak to your boss?" Draco asked Harry who nodded. "Yeah. I'll go back after I speak to the, at least a few days form now." Harry said and Draco could tell he sounded disappointed. "You can bake all you want here. Mum won't mind." Draco smiled lightly. "I'll... probably take you up on that a time or two...But time...isn't my friend." Harry admitted. "You could always babysit." Draco said, and frowned seeing the hidden pain flash in harrys eyes, before he gave Draco a fake smile. "I don't know about that. That's more Hermione's thing." Harry said, but Harry watched Draco get to his own feet and walk over to Harry. "She...spoke about things going on...that had to do with more then just Weasley." Draco said softly. "It's not things I want to speak about, Malfoy." Harry said, a little cold, and after a sigh, Draco eased down in the chair beside them.

Lucius Malfoy just fell asleep in his recliner by the time Harry and Draco finished in the kitchen and at least headed into the bedroom, Draco's bedroom. Harry's temporary bed shoved to the wall in Draco's bedroom. It was fine, for the young man who didn't even want to be there, but after sitting down on the bed, summoned a bottle of liquor, a kind Draco wasn't familiar with. "Goodnight, Malfoy." Harry said and Draco let out a sigh, but went to get ready for bed in the bathroom.


A very strange month had past since then. Harry? Never left the new home of the Malfoy family of four. Because, one, he needed an operation on his leg, and two? Ron and Harry still wasn't getting alone. A small third reason, was Draco and Harry had grown very used to one another company, even if it was odd and a little flirty, to why haven't they just kissed yet. A common half complaint Lucius and Narcissa done to one another. It was almost painful to see the pair obviously care for one another, more then just friends, and go so much as touch their noses and even found asleep nuzzled together, to not at this point, admitted they liked one another.

It was the first day of September of 2000. Draco's baby sister was just a couple days shy of being three months old and starting to get a lot more alert. She was also a daddy's little girl. She was often found with Lucius, most of the time, in his recliner, being held against him, watching the television. Even if she wasn't watching. She would get very fussy if she wasn't like that with her daddy.

Something that still troubled Draco, was Harry really wouldn't engage in any activity that had to do with Violet. Draco still didn't have the answer and it worried Draco, because he often thought about their future, whenever he got the balls to tell Harry he liked him, together. It involved at least two children. Draco needed to know if Harry didn't want children, because it would change the outline of the future he had planned, and maybe give him time to convince Harry otherwise, to have children.

Draco grabbed the new pillow for Harry's leg, that was pretty achy that morning. The pouring rain outside wasn't helping the young man, who had woke up with another hangover, as he spent a great deal of the night, in another bottle. Something else, Draco was trying to aid in, helping Harry drink less. It was different if it was just social, this was more then social drinking. This was a problem, and Draco didn't want it to get worst.

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