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--One Month Later--
--April 7th, 2001--

Harry Potter and his newfound daughter, Eleanor Lily Potter officially moved into the Muggle Manor of Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy. Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley, were often 'Guest' in the home. The middle aged couple always watched the interaction between Harry and Ron, but it was uncomfortable not angry, anymore at least. So, they welcomed the couple into their home now and it seemed to make Narcissa happier. Lucius was thankful, keeping to his daughter or his television shows downstairs in his recliner.
Speaking of Eleanor? She grew to her 20 months old self in a very short time. She was a very active little toddler, thankful, she was very healthy, but they were certain she was mixed, because she had very dark skin, once she fully grew her proper age, but Harry? Didn't care. She was his and healthy with his green eyes and crazy jet black hair, that is all that matters. She became friends with little Violet, so that often meant Lucius ended up with both girls on his lap in the mornings or late night because Violet wasn't as active, at being ten months old, as she was, but Elenore wanted her best (only) friend.

With the truth out, Harry was Finally getting the proper help, but it still wasn't perfect. He was doing better, but any mentioned if the Ginny or what happened, really brought him down, so it was often forgotten. It was over, Ginny was charged and Elenore was happy and healthy. That's all that matter.


Harry was already gone for work, at the bakery when Draco yawned waking up about eight that Monday morning. His bladder being kicked by a set of tiny little boy feet, who made him need to pee, right that.
After coming out the bathroom, Draco grabbed his robe and made the slow walk downstairs. Narcissa, Hermione and Ron sat at the table, having breakfast. Draco heard the television, so his father was up, watching the morning television show. "Morning Draco." Hermione said. "Morning. Why so early?" Draco asked. Meaning why does Harry go in so early. "They make their own bread. To have it ready by seven, they have to start earlier." Hermione said. "He makes cookies." Draco said. "He does that, along with Cakes, cupcakes, bread and special orders. He's a cook, just doesn't really cook much." Hermione said. "And all this, can't wait until not three in the morning?" Draco said. "Draco, you are welcomed to go back to bed. Eleanor has outgrown all the clothes, so I'm taking the girls to the mall shortly." Narcissa said. "The healer said she should be done growing. She's officially the normal size of a 20 month old." Hermione said. "I don't mind. I have to get more hairbands anyway and Hermione said Harry's got a couple rings order in at the parlor?" Narcissa asked. "Yes, he order a earing and another nose I believe. The card to pick them up is by your keys I believe." Hermione said. "No worries. Go back to bed, Draco." Narcissa said.


Draco did go back to bed, waking up about 2 when Harry came into the bedroom they shared. Draco, might be sleeping better because his partner was back in bed with him, but today? He was feeling kind of icky and run down, so he yawned, slowly easing up. "You smell like cookies." Draco said and Harry smiled lightly. "We hard a large order today. It was a lot of cookies before I left. Your mum tells me you've been in bed most of the morning?" Harry asked. "I just don't feel well rested. I'm sure it's nothing. She's home then?" Draco asked, as Harry walked over to the closet and grabbed his black clothes. "Yeah, in the nursery, with the girls." Harry said, starting to get changed. "Harry." Draco said. "Hum?" Harry said, changing. "Elenore is fine. You've took her to the hospital (children's) and the healer, several times." Draco pointed out. "I know, but...I can't explain." Harry said softly. Draco just held out his hand, until Harry walked over and put his hand in Draco's. He eased down to sit beside Draco on the bed, who locked their fingers together. "I know, Harry. She's okay, a giggly little thing. She's healthy and getting spoiled. I know you are still uncomfortable around my father, but she needs her time with him too." Draco said. "I...don't mind. She...needs grandparents, and your mum loves her. I...thought about getting the DN-" Harry stopped, when Draco shook his head. "No good will come form that, Harry. We know she's a mixed girl, but it doesn't matter. She's like you, just a bit darker skin is all. Nothing else matters." Draco said and Harry shrugged his shoulders. "Come, lay down with me?" Draco asked and Harry nodded.


Harry woke up to cold little hands on his cheeks. Harry reached for his glasses before he sat up, Elenore climbing into his lap, little out a big yawn for a little girl. Harry glanced over at the clock, he'd been asleep for hours and it was almost eight that night. Harry lend down and placed a kiss on her messy hair, as she relaxed against his stomach. She'd been bathe and had her dinner. She'd been sitting on Lucius lap, but she wanted time with her daddy before she went to sleep. Lucius wasn't surprised when she disappeared, it wasn't the first time. She was a powerful little girl. She looked up at Harry, before she rubbed her eye. "Big bed?" Harry said and wasn't sure if she understood, at first, but she did. She wiggled on the middle of the bed and Harry smiled lightly. Harry removed his glasses again and laid back down in the bed.
Draco was still asleep, sleeping comfortable, at least it looked that way to Harry, before he looked at his little girl. Elenore. She yawned again, as Harry tucked the blanket around her, resting his hand on her belly. She grind at her daddy, before she slowly went to sleep.


Harry went downstairs. Lucius watching the news before going to bed himself, a little after eleven. The house was quiet, because the household was asleep, almost. "She thought about waking you." Lucius said, turning down the television. "Eh...Its fine. Assuming there's a plate?" Harry asked. "Top shelf. Your box should be on your dresser?" Lucius said. "Didn't look, thanks." Harry said.
Harry warmed up his plate and slowly ate about half his dinner, as Lucius finished the news report before he too went to bed.
Harry watched himself a touch of television, before glancing over at the time, almost one on the morning. Harry let out a sigh, and went back upstairs, failing to turn off the television.
In bed, Draco laid asleep, but Elenore woke up when the door opened. She yawned, sitting up in bed. "Shh. Lay back down, big girl." Harry said softly, carefully climbing into bed. She wiggled closed to her daddy, but she would go back to sleep. Harry, laying there until the alarm went off at three, starting his day, again.

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