Chapter Ten

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Harry's grip tighten in Draco's hand, and Harry's other hand cupped his super pale skin. They sat there, slowly kissing. Harry wouldn't pull away form the blond boy and Draco just wanted Harry to know he was loved. Even if it was more of a like-love right now, because Draco's feelings for Harry Potter was new. Draco was sure of one thing, he wanted to work on repairing Harry's wounds.

A knock on the door to their bedroom broke apart their kiss, and turned to face his father, who had a look of relief on his face, as Draco's grow bright red. His father had just finished getting ready for the day. His wife, Narcissa Malfoy, laid out for him. Some white knee length shorts and a white shirt. He was still without socks or shoes, and his hair in a low pony tail. "The young couple just arrived and breakfast is nearly ready." Lucius said. "We'll be down shortly, father." Draco said, embarrassed. Lucius nodded at the pair, and headed back down the stairs.

Draco stood at the mirror on his wall, running a hair brush through his hair, as Harry finished getting dressed. His black shorts, that the leg was tucked into the top of his cast, because Harry's leg was still in that awful cast. It would be for another few weeks. Harry's leg was slowly healing, but by the end of recovery, Harry's leg being broken would be a thing of the past. Harry was in a tank top, black of course, that did show his biceps form all he time he has worked out and did. He summoned some of his things, that he could still do without his leg. Including pullups. Draco, blushed, watching Harry in the mirror. Harry was really toned and tanned, and very sexy to Draco. Draco's dreams had turned sexual, when they wasn't nightmares, about Harry dominating Draco and giving him one hell of a night to remember, he just hopped it would come true, sooner rather then later.
Draco's clothes were simple. Jean shorts and a blue shirt, and he thrown on some white socks.

Draco sat his brush down on the dresser and turned to see Harry standing there by the aid of his crutches, in very close proximity to the blushing blond.

Draco's back was against the wall, Harry's left hand pending Draco's right hand to the wall above his head. "You are a sexy little thing...I seen you watching me just now. Your skin is so pale. The slightly pinking of your cheeks can be seen." Harry said, brushing his lips with Draco's lips, who had put on she blueberry tasting chap stick. Draco's face was bright red after their brief kiss. His right hand pend to the wall by Harry's left hand, who had no interest in letting Draco move form this position. Harry's weight was obviously on his good leg, but the young man had no trouble supporting is own weight and found something that he could think about, other then all the negative things that happened. Draco just looked at Harry, Harry's eyes shown control and for one, no signs of pains. Harry's thoughts, were simple at this moment. Draco. Draco brushed their lips together again, for Harry to start kissing Draco. Draco's left hand, locked itself on Harry's bicep until Harry pulled away form the kiss. "Put your hand up their with the other, little girl." Harry ordered and Harry swear he heard a little moan leave Draco's throat.

Harry's left hand, held Draco's wrists together above his head and up. Draco stood on his toes, as Harry started to kiss him again. Harry was differently hungry, but not for food. He did really found Draco sexually desirable and he wanted to mark Draco as his own mate. Harry's thoughts, that much of a wild animal, wanting to be sure nobody touched what belonged to him. So, after Harry give Draco a slow, half rough kiss on his lips. Harry nipped Draco's ear. "Turn your head to the right." Harry order, giving his ear another small nip. Draco blushed harder, if that was even possible, and obeyed. Draco turned his head to the side, feeling Harry's hand tighten it's grib on Draco's wrists. God, Draco's fingers were tingling at this point but God, Draco's body loved being Harry's submissive. Harry could hear Draco's breathing and he seen Draco's bright red face and the half moan sound Draco tried to hide from time to time as Harry put his lips to Draco's pale neck. Harry place a little kiss on his neck, and Harry pushed Draco's wrists up. Draco heard his bedroom door shut, and the light glow under the door, muting sound form leaving the room. Draco's made half a groan and a moan, as Draco stood only on the tip of his toes and Harry was strong, a lot stronger then he locked and Harry locked very strong. Harry grip was tight on the young man's wrists, holding a lot of Draco's weight off his own toes. Draco's body was very scratched but Harry just started to suck on Draco's neck. Draco's moaned out after a few seconds. Harry was going to leave a hickey on his neck and little bite marks, as Draco soon felt teeth, but only one, kind of hard bite was gave to Draco's neck, before Harry went back to Draco's ear. Harry let out a long, hot breath on Draco's ear. Harry, not letting the aids in his ears brother him, he was just sure he spoke a little louder then he thought he should. "Somebody is a sexy little girl." Harry said.

Draco opened his eyes, to greet Harry's green eyes. Harry's glasses thrown somewhere in the room, he could care less about those right now. Harry smiled, lust and need had covered Draco's gray eyes. His breathing still labored and his body pulled tightly. A very sexy sight for the dominant man.

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