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Harry Potter, a man of 31 years old. A man who been through a lot, but today? Was finally marrying the man he loved for so many years. Harry was a father of three beautiful children. A daughter, age twelve, and two sons, Ten and four. Harry Potter was also an expecting father of twins, who had very little knowledge of the pregnancy over twelve years ago and understood a bit better why Draco's emotions got so out of control, but he had to keep in check. Not only was he a father, but he worked a public job, turning out to be the manger of a very successful business. He had to hide the pregnancy, the only bad thing about working in the muggle world. However, over the last few months, on Saturdays, him and Draco worked a short shift at the bakery. Harry loved it. He could bake again. He long mised baking and Narcissa loved her Saturdays with the children, whom all missed them and Violet. Lucius was finally better and their day to day life was back to normal.

This morning, at hardly four in the morning, Harry hit his knees at the toilet. Last nights bar food was to much. Ron took him out with a couple friends form work, who knew of his wedding today, wanted to throw him a party. Harry didn't drink, but was craving a lot of the food he was smelling. Now, he was paying the price for so much greasy bar food.
Harry however, felt the hand run up his back. His almost finally husband woken up when Harry hurried out of bed, come to give him some comfort. "I warned you." Draco said softly, with a bit of a chuckle. Draco gave the top of Harry's head a kiss, who reached up and flushed the toilet. "It smelt so good! I was hungry and your babies made me want French fries, Chicken and Ice cream." Harry fussed at Draco who just give his head another kiss. "I'll get you the potions. It helps, doesn't it?" Draco said. "Yes, please." Harry said.

Harry sat on the bed after the nausea potion too full effect. He felt better. He finished brushing his teeth and was waiting on Draco to come back to bed. Even if sleep was currently off his mind. They would be married come the end of the day, and everybody was excited. The children knew it meet they were truly going to be a family and Harry was having two babies. Elenore said one has to be a girl. It was time for another girl. The two of them didn't want to know the gender, at least not right now. Draco gave harry a light kiss, standing between the man's legs. Harry smiled lightly at Draco. "I know they are tiny, but have you felt any movement yet? And you have that sonogram for your wallet don't you?" Draco asked. "Of course, I do. The doctor says they likely won't start showing moving for a few more weeks, but the healer thinks sooner. I think until closer to delivery, I'm going to stick with the doctor. I really dislike the travel." Harry said softly. "I know you do, love, but anything could happen and it's not just one." Draco said and Harry let out a sigh. "Just...a few weeks then, okay?" Harry said. "I suppose a few weeks will be okay. We still have a couple hours before the children will wake and we have to get ready." Draco said. "Let me have some fun with you, while I still can."  Harry said. "Sound perfect."


Draco started cooking breakfast as Harry went to wake the children, Starting with Leonardo, whom had the box to the cribs in his room. Elenore and Nathaniel moved the in the bedroom a couple nights ago. Even the the plan was to take down the guest room, Leonardo didn't like that ideal. He had cleared half his room, cramming all his things on the one wall, because he wanted the twins in their room. Harry and Draco? Was pretty certain they would make the nursery in the room with him. Leonardo said he didn't care if it was girls or boys. They had a changing room now and he wanted the babies In his room. He didn't want to be alone anymore. Harry smiled lightly at the thought of the of the newborn babies in the cribs with their big brother watching them. His hand traveled to his bump. Growing twins shown already, but most times he didn't mind. He was about to marry the father of his children and the pregnancy made Draco so much happier. Harry turned the light on, looking at Leonardo in the bed. He was nuzzled in his pokemon blankets, his blonde hair going all over the place. Harry walked over to the bed and sat down. He pushed the hair out of the boys face, giving his head a kiss. Leonardo, whom was sleeping lightly, yawned and opened his eyes. "Daddy!" He smiled. "Hi, big boy!" Harry said as Leonardo sat up in his bed. All nice and warm in his fluffy blue jammies. "Finally! It's today!" He said and Harry smiled. "Yes, it is! After breakfast, I'm going to help you get your tux on, okay? We want some pictures of you and your brother and sister before we leave." Harry said. "Sister thinks her dress should be longer...People at her school are still mean." He frowned. "I know, but daddy and I are taking care of it. I promise." Harry said. "Leonardo will go and help sister!" He said and Harry smiled. "You are such a sweet boy, but it's a grown up thing. You? Just keep telling sister she's pretty and loved, because she is. We have to be sure your sister feels better, okay?" Harry said. "Okay, daddy!" Leonardo said.

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