Chapter 2: Warm Welcome

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At the Headmasters office in Beacon Academy, General Ironwood, Glynda Goodwitch, and Professor Ozpin all watch the news of the event that took place earlier.

Lisa Lavender (on TV): "Just Earlier on the highway, many witnesses had reported a rogue Atlesian Paladin attacking young Huntsman and Huntresses. However the issue was later resolved, and the identity of the Pilot was none other than the notorious criminal Roman Torchwick. Who has yet again evaded authorities."

As Ironwood was watching the news, he noticed something unusual.

Ironwood: "Wait. Ozpin, can you rewind it a little bit?"

Ozpin rewinds the footage to show the Yellow vehicle willingly driving off the Highway.

Ozpin: "That is indeed unusual."

Glynda: "Who would be crazy enough to drive off without regard to personal safety?"

Just then an access request notification shows on Ozpin's desk. Ozpin responds.

Ozpin: "Come in."

The doors slide open to reveal an Atlesian soldier with printed records. The soldier then walks in the room.

Atlesian soldier: "General Ironwood, sir! I think you should see this!"

He hands over the paperwork to General Ironwood.

General Ironwood: "What's so important that-" (He gasps in major shock)

Glynda: "James? What's wrong?"

Ironwood places the paperwork on Ozpin's desk.

General Ironwood: "I have to go."

Ironwood leaves the room. Ozpin then grabs the paperwork to read it.

Ozpin: "Oh, dear."

Glynda: "What? What is it?"

Ozpin hands the paperwork over to Glynda. The paperwork shows a purchase record for Dust till Dawn. Glynda was in shock at what she read.

Glynda: "Oh my God!"

The paperwork shows that the purchase was made by Gale Riley.

Meanwhile at the ground level of the highway, Team RWBY was still in shock about Gale and Bumblebee. Ruby then breaks the silence as she places her scythe away.

Ruby: "So about that incident earlier today, was it you two that saved me and Penny?

Gale then remembered that there was another girl who stopped the truck.

Gale: "Yeah. And by the way, is she ok? She's not injured right?"

Ruby: "Oh, no she's fine. After that her father had to pick her up."

Gale (Relieved): "That's a relief. I'm Glad to see that both of you are ok."

Ruby: "Well, uh, yeah." (She then came to a realization.) "Oh! I never got the chance to properly thank you two! So uh, yeah thank you for saving us!"

Gale: "No problem!"

Bumblebee: "Sure thing! Always happy to help!"

Weiss then places her sword away then steps in.

Weiss: "Then help us understand this; You said that you're from another planet, but more importantly from another reality! How is that possible?" (She points at Bumblebee)

Bumblebee: "Well that. That's a long story."

Weiss: "Oh believe me, we have plenty of time for a long story!"

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