Chapter 34: A temporary Goodbye

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At the Hospital in Atlas, Marissa, Clarissa and Pyrrha all go to see Alicia as she sits by Gale's side. Clarissa sighs heavily as Pyrrha places her hand on her shoulder. Marissa then steps forward to Alicia.

Marissa: "Mrs. Riley, I just want to say that your son is one of the bravest individuals I have met."

Alicia: (She sniffs and smiles) "Thank you, Ms. Faireborn."

Marissa Smiles and nods as Alicia stands up. She then looks over at Clarissa.

Alicia: "You and your niece are amazing too." (Clarissa looks at her) "If Gale talks highly of you both, then I'll take his word for it."

Clarissa smiles as does Pyrrha. Suddenly Andrew opens the door.

Alicia: "Andrew, you're back!" (She notices the letter that he's holding.) "Who's that from, dear?"

Andrew: "It's from Weiss, it's addressed to all of us here!"

Pyrrha: "What?!"

Clarissa: "What does it say?!"

Andrew opens the letter and unfolds the paper. Everyone then reads the letter.

Weiss (Letter): "To all the my friends,
I'm writing this letter to inform you all that I will be leaving Atlas tonight. I have been stripped of my status as heiress of my family's company and have been locked in my room by my father. But I will not let this stop me from achieving my purpose as a Huntress, nor will I let this stop me from reuniting with my friends. If there is one thing that I wish to do before I leave, it's to see Gale and his family one last time… for now at least. Whether or not this is a farewell letter, only time will tell. Hope to see everyone soon. -Weiss Schnee."

As they all read the letter, Marissa comes up with a plan. She then makes contact.

Marissa: "Optimus Prime, come in."

Optimus (Over Comm's): "How may I be of assistance, Marissa Faireborn?"

Marissa: "Can you do me a favor and have Goldfire ready to deploy please, we're heading back to the Schnee Manor."

Optimus (Over Comm's): "Understood. Any special requests?"

Marissa: "Tell him that we'll be initiating a protocol 'RID', this is a stealth mission."

As Marissa ends the call, Pyrrha looks at Marissa with confusion.

Pyrrha: "What does the protocol stand for?"

Marissa turns to Pyrrha and everyone else, and they all pay attention to what she's about to say.

Marissa (Smirking): "Protocol; Robots in disguise."

Meanwhile in Menagerie, Sun is seen lying on a couch in Ghira Belladonna's Study room

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Meanwhile in Menagerie, Sun is seen lying on a couch in Ghira Belladonna's Study room. As he slowly wakes up, he notices a patch over his wound where he was struck. He then looks over to Blake who has her head down.

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