Chapter 23: When all the stars Aligned

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Character spotlight: Bumblebee

On Cybertron, a memorial was held for all the Autobots and Decepticons who gave their lives for the future of Cybertron. Everyone mourns for Ultra Magnus, Cog, Red Alert, Chromia, Moonracer, Impactor, Skywarp, Barricade, Dinobot, Hot Rod, and Elita-One. Arcee steps forward and places the Sword of Primus next to Hot Rod's headstone.

Arcee: "When I first met him, he was daring and carefree… But what I really liked about him was that he cared for everyone around him. In our timeline he showed that when he sacrificed himself to try and save Blurr, and he did so again when he traveled from his reality to our own and saved us." (Everyone nods with respect) "He didn't think of himself being worthy of a Prime, but he was a powerful warrior."

Optimus then walks up to Arcee and places his hand on her shoulder.

Optimus: "His sacrifice will not be forgotten. We will honor his memory and bring peace across the timeline." (Arcee looks at Optimus with surprise.) "I never knew Hot Rod as much as I should. However based on his role as Rodimus Prime, I can honestly say that he would have been the greatest leader."

Arcee then hugs Optimus to his surprise and tears up.

Arcee: "Thank you."

Arcee then turns to Bumblebee as he holds the reignited Allspark from the future.

Arcee: "Bumblebee. I know that you will honor Hot Rod's memory by going on this mission. He's your friend as much as I am. Just be careful."

Bumblebee nods and steps forward.

Bumblebee: "I will. We were friends for a long time. When the war broke out after the destruction of Velocitron, I was completely numb. That's why I've been reluctant to join the Autobots. But after that battle to escape Cybertron, I always thought that I should join because that's what Hot Rod would have wanted… To do the right thing. To fight for the greater good." (He looks at the Allspark) "And that's what I'm going to do, for him and for us."

Arcee smiles and Windblade steps forward.

Windblade: "He would be proud of you, Bumblebee. Like how I am."

Everyone then nods in agreement. Perceptor then steps forward to Bumblebee.

Perceptor: "I have the time portal ready for you, however it's a prototype rather than the one you used on the Ark."

Bumblebee nods in understanding.
Much later, Perceptor enters the date when the Allspark left its original time place. As he finishes, Bumblebee Stands ready.

Perceptor: "Time coordinates locked, Bumblebee!"

Bumblebee: "Let's do it, then."

As Perceptor acknowledges, he presses the button that activates the Time Bridge. Bumblebee then gains the strength to walk through. As he makes it to the other side, he notices that he's not in the correct time space and tries to contact Perceptor.

Bumblebee: "Perceptor!... Perceptor, do you read?"

As he only hears static on the other line, the Portal started crackling electricity before it closes.

Bumblebee: "Damn! What timeline is this anyway?"

As he starts to walk, he is then caught in a Cyber web to his surprise.

Bumblebee: "Scrap! This looks like Blackarachnia's webbing!"

Just then he hears footsteps approaching, and to his surprise it was Blackarachnia in her spider mode.

Just then he hears footsteps approaching, and to his surprise it was Blackarachnia in her spider mode

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