Chapter 31: Connections

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On the road of Oniyuri, Chainbreak continues to pull team RNJR on their path. However Ren Senses something and slightly stands from the trailer.

Ren: "Chainbreak, stop." (She stops)

Chainbreak (Vehicle mode): "What is it?"

As Ren jumps out of the trailer, he walks next to Chainbreak in her motorcycle mode and gestures for her to stay silent. She complies and turns off her engine as the rest of the team joins him. Ren suddenly draws his weapon as does everyone else, including Chainbreak as she transforms into her robot mode. Just then, footsteps are heard rapidly approaching and jumping over a wall structure. As the fighter lands in front of everyone, he reveals himself to be Tyrian. As he tries to attack Ruby, Ren jumps in and tries to prevent him from attacking. However he kicks Ren away, only to have Ruby attack him with her weapon. As the Two clashed, Tyrian strikes Ruby's arm and causes her to cry out in pain.

Chainbreak (Horrified): "Ruby!" (She charges at Tyrian)

As Tyrian turns his attention to Chainbreak, he dodges her downward punch and uses his weapon to shoot her in the face while she blocks the bullets. He then jumps back and faces Jaune, and gets a closer look at him.

 He then jumps back and faces Jaune, and gets a closer look at him

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Tyrian (Cackling): "OOOOH!"

As Nora charges in, Tyrian jumps off from Jaune's shield and crashes into an abandoned building. Everyone then stands in a defensive position and faces him as he emerges from the smoke.

Jaune: "We're not looking for a fight!"

Ren: "Who are you?"

Tyrian then jumps from the building and onto the ground. He then stands up to answer Ren's question.

Tyrian: "Who I am matters not to you." (He points at Ren.) "Or you." (Then points at Nora.) "Or-... Well, you two do interest me." (Jaune and Chainbreak look at each other with concern and confusion.) "No. I only matter… to you." (He points at Ruby.)

As everyone turns to Ruby, she stands with confusion.

Ruby: "Me?" (Tyrian cackles uncontrollably)

Tyrian (Cackling): "You- you haven't the slightest clue, do you? Oh, how exciting this must be!"

Ruby (Stern): "What do you want?!"

Tyrian: (Gasps dramatically) "Oh, the rose has thorns! My little flower, I'm here to whisk you away with me!" (Nora stands in front of Ruby.)

Nora: "Well, what if she doesn't want to go with you?"

Tyrian: "Well… I'll take her."

Chainbreak then loads her gauntlets and stomps her foot on the ground with anger.

Chainbreak: "No way in hell we're going to let that happen!"

As she stands ready to fight, everyone else does so as well. Tyrian grins from the response.

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