Chapter 9: With every step Forward.

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The next morning, General Ironwood reviews the schematics of the hovering city of Atlas. Marissa Faireborn looks at the schematics with interest.

Marissa: "That city looks Beautiful."

General Ironwood: "It really is when you take the first step there. The Kingdom of Atlas was once a city on the surface of the world, The City of Mantle. There's a lot of history of how Atlas came to be. However." (He zooms in on the lower areas of Atlas.) "We need to keep Atlas in the air, otherwise Mantle will be nothing more than a wasteland and Atlas Will be destroyed."

Marissa: "What do you propose we do?"

General Ironwood: "I would suggest deploying a squad to Lake Matsu. Although…" (Quick flashback of General Ironwood declaring the Elite operatives killed in action.) "I can't take that risk of sending anyone there."

Marissa: "I saw those reports. I'm really sorry for what happened. But I'll volunteer to go, what exactly is it that you need from there?"

Just then, the elevator chimes and the doors open. It was Gale who walked out of the elevator.

Gale: "Good morning, General, you wanted to see me?"

General Ironwood: "Good morning, Gale. And yes, I just want to know how well you're adjusting to your semblance."

Gale: "Oh, well so far I can only sense energy from technology. But I think that if I trained myself with more effort I can hopefully sense natural energy. Such as from Dust and living beings."

General Ironwood: "And how far have you progressed?"

Gale: "Weeeeelll."

Flashback to breakfast, Gale was in the cafeteria. That was until Yang brought him to team RWBY'S Dorm room.

Gale: "Yang, what gives?!"

Yang: "Just wanted to say good morning. Aaand I want you to meet someone!"

Gale (Skeptical): "I feel like you're going to pull something here!"

Yang: "Come on Gale, I'm serious! Come on in!" (She opens the door.)

Gale walks in through the door and is Greeted by the rest of the team. But to his surprise he hears barking behind him. He turned around to see Zwei who was panting in excitement.

Gale: "No way!" (He crutches down to pet Zwei)

Yang: "Meet Zwei, he's our little companion!"

Gale: "That's awesome!"

Ruby: "Yep! Dad sent him to us from the mail."

Gale looks at her in shock. Then he turns to Yang.

Gale: "Yang, that day when you had that mail canister…" (He points at Zwei)

Yang: "Yep! He also came with lots of cans of Dog food and a can opener."

Gale was in total shock to hear that. But Weiss walks by and crutches down by Gale.

Weiss: "They're Dad really wanted them to look after Zwei." (Zwei looks at her, and Weiss smiles at him) "Which meant he was going to wive wif us foevah!" (She pets Zwei and Gale smiles. Weiss notices, then corrects her composure) "I… really like dogs, ok?"

Blake: "The funny part was this was the second time she expressed that. The first time was when we went out on our mission."

Weiss (Pouting): "How dare you!"

Yang: "And with you Staying in the top bunk, I guess history is completely repeating itself huh, Blake?"

Blake (Angrily pouts at Yang): "How dare you."

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