Chapter 20: Nature, Nurture, Heaven, and Home. (Special Edition)

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A RWBY x TRANSFORMERS Original character

Character Spotlight: Chainbreak

Some time ago in an alternate timeline on Earth, the temple of the Allspark was found in South America. The Date was August 8th, 2012.
As Optimus and Megatron face each other in the temple, Megatron aims his fusion cannon at Optimus.

Megatron (Alternate future): "I can win the Allspark, and use it to reshape Cybertron in my image." (Optimus' Optics widened with shock)

Optimus (Alternate future (Angrily)): "I thought you wanted to save it!"

As Optimus aims his rifle at Megatron, it gets shot out of his hand. Megatron then charges in with his tank turret blade and slashes Optimus in his side, as that happens electricity crackles from the damaged area. Megatron then tries to land a strike, until Optimus grabs him by the arm and flips him over. He then grabs his Energon Axe and raises it up, but Megatron shoots him in the chest to push him back. As Optimus falls back, Megatron stands back up and charges at him.

Megatron (Alternate Future): "Not bad for a Librarian, perhaps you should have spent more time in the pits!" (Megatron raises his tank turret sword and tries to swing it at Optimus, but is caught by the blade.)

Optimus (Alternate Future): "And perhaps you should spend more time at the Library!" (He kicks Megatron's feet to make him lose balance)

As Megatron falls back, Optimus stands back up and aims his Ion Blaster at him. Megatron repositions himself as well.

Megatron (Alternate Future): "No more, Optimus Prime. Grant me mercy, I beg of you!"

Optimus (Alternate Future): "You... who are without Mercy... Now plead for it?" (He charges his rifle) "I thought you were made of sterner stuff."

As Optimus stands his ground and gets ready to execute Megatron once and for all, the damaged area of his abdomen starts to crackle with electricity and he winces in pain. Megatron then takes this opportunity to charge at Optimus to knock the rifle out of his hand and aim his fusion cannon at his side and shoot straight through it. As that happens, Optimus falls to his knees and he starts to bleed out Energon blood. Megatron then stands over him and aims his fusion cannon at him once more.

Megatron (Alternate Future): "I would have waited an eternity for this!" (His fusion cannon starts to charge) "It's over, Prime!"

Optimus clenches his fist and slowly looks up. He then knocks Megatron's fusion cannon away from him as it fires, and Punches Megatron back.

Optimus (Alternate Future): "Never!!!"

As Megatron falls back and spits out Energon blood, Optimus falls down but doesn't stand back up. Megatron repositions himself and walks to Optimus.

Megatron (Alternate Future): "Optimus?"

Megatron then uses his foot to turn Optimus around, only to see that Optimus' Optics has faded. That's when Megatron knew that Optimus Prime's spark had been extinguished.

Megatron (Alternate Future): "After all these cycles... what I said once before is finally here... The circle is finally closed, Prime." (He starts to walk towards the staircase of the temple, but stops and looks down with confusion.) "But why? Why do I feel-?"

Before he could finish asking himself his question, The temple starts to light up and a large glowing orb hovers over Megatron.

Megatron (Alternate Future): "It cannot be..." (He raises his arms)

As the orb starts to descend to Megatron, the plating around it starts to form and it reveals itself to be the Allspark. As Megatron looks at it with shock he then notices that it is starting to fade. Megatron then starts to get worried.

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