Chapter 14: Desperate Eyes

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At the Autobot Outpost, Optimus does a security inspection alongside Elita-One. They are also accompanied by Professor Ozpin, Glynda Goodwitch, and Marissa Faireborn. As the Holographic image of Amity Colosseum is projected, Optimus scans for any signs of disruption. Elita checks the security monitors and sees the Autobots with Team RWBY in the Spectators seats. Marissa loads her weapon in case of anything. Glynda and Ozpin both talk amongst themselves throughout their security round, however Elita-One came to a realization about something.

Elita-One: "Optimus, where is Chainbreak?" (This catches everyone's attention and Optimus turns to her.)

Optimus: "She is gathering Energon refreshments for everyone. Although…"

Elita-One: "Although, What?"

Optimus: "She shouldn't have been gone for that long." (He contacts Chainbreak through the radio.) "Chainbreak, come in. What is your status?"

Chainbreak (Over the radio): "Ummm.. I'm.. I'm ok! It's just that… there's 2 people here who asked to see you… and Professor Ozpin."

Optimus looks at Elita with confusion, he then turns his attention to Ozpin.

Optimus: "Did they have any specific requests?"

Chainbreak (Over the radio): "They said that they need help, but first to talk to the two of you alone."

Ozpin starts to walk out, but Glynda stops him.

Glynda: "Ozpin, we have more important matters to attend to."

Ozpin: "I know Glynda, but trust me when I say that one small action can cause a large effect for better or worse." (He starts to leave as does Optimus.)

Later outside of Amity Colosseum, Ozpin and Optimus head towards Chainbreak's last location. That's when they found her standing in fear.

Optimus: "Chainbreak, what is the matter? Where are these individuals that seek our help?"

Chainbreak slowly raises her hand while it shakes, Optimus goes to see who they were only to have his eyes widened with shock. It was Starscream with Salem.

Optimus: "Starscream?!" (Immediately aims his modified rifle at him, which causes Starscream to raise his hands)

Starscream: "I know how this looks, but please! Listen to what we have to say!"

Optimus: "Who's 'we'?"

Ozpin then looks to see what is happening until he notices Salem. He then grabs his cane to stand in a fighting position and glares at her.

Ozpin: "Salem!" (She raises her hands too)

Salem: "Ozpin, please! I'm not here to fight!"

Chainbreak starts to get scared, until Optimus notices. Ozpin noticed as well but came up with an idea.

Ozpin: "Chainbreak, I believe team JNPR is about to have their match, why don't you go and enjoy yourself?"

Chainbreak gives a confused look and holds the Energon refreshments close.

Chainbreak: "What about them?" (She referred to Starscream and Salem)

Optimus: "Leave this to us for now, and if anyone asks. Let them know that it's code S-24, E-9. When the match is over send the Autobots to the outpost."

Chainbreak nods and offers a refreshment to Optimus, in which he gladly accepts. She then turns around and heads to the colosseum. After that, Ozpin and Optimus both listen to what Starscream has to say.

Optimus: "Speak quickly."

Starscream: "We're all in danger. I don't mean all Decepticons either! Earth, Cybertron, Remnant, the multiverse even! All of everything beyond the plane of existence is being threatened! Which is why I came alone with her, to deliver this!"

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