Chapter 33: With everything in place.

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At Patch, Tai and Yang are sparring as Zwei sits by a stack of towels and watches. Tai attempted to land a spin kick, however Yang was able to block it. After she does so, she then lands a punch with her robotic arm in which Tai blocks, however he was slightly pushed back.

Tai: "Woah! That thing packs a punch!"

Yang: "We've been at this for weeks. I get it, you wanna make sure I can still fight." (She bumps her fists together) "I think I'm doing just fine."

Tai: "You're close."

He stands up right and starts to walk around Yang in a Circle. Yang scoffs at the commentsl.

Yang: "Oh really?"

Tai: "You're still off balance."

Yang: "What?! No I'm not!

Tai chuckles as Yang takes a closer look at her arm with amazement.

Yang: "Honestly I'm kind of surprised. I thought it would be just this huge weight, but it feels… natural. The guys and the bots at Cybertech really did a great job." (She slightly chuckles) "I'm also relieved of the fact that Wheeljack didn't make this thing."

Tai then unexpectedly lands a punch to Yang's surprise. As they go back to sparring Tai was about to elbow Yang's face as Yang was about to land another punch, but both attacks were blocked by each other.

Tai: "I wasn't talking about your actual balance."

Tai then trips the back of Yang's foot, causing her to fall on her back. He then goes over to Zwei for a towel.

Tai: "Although, that could use some work too."

Zwei hands Tai a towel and pants happily as Tai pets him. Meanwhile Yang lies on her back catching her breath.

Yang: "Meaning?"

Tai: "I saw your tournament fights, during the Vytal Festival."

Yang: "let me guess.." (Mocking an accent) "I was sloppy."

Tai: "No, no, you were predictable… And…  stubborn.  And.. Maybe a little boneheaded. (Yang sits up and looks at Tai.) "Do you realize that you used your semblance to win every fight after the qualifiers?"

Yang looks at him with confusion then turns her back at him.

Yang: "So what? How is me using my semblance any different than someone else using theirs?"

Tai: "Because not everyone else's is basically a temper tantrum. (laughing and crouching by her side) I'm serious! Once you take damage, you can dish it back twice as hard, but that doesn't make you invincible! It's great when you're in a bind, but what happens if you miss? What happens if they're stronger? What then? Now you're just weak and tired! You've always been one to burn brighter than everyone else, whether it was with your smile, or, well, I remember your first haircut."

Tai playfully tugs her hair and Yang bats his hand away.

Taiyang: "But you gotta keep your emotions in check. Keep a level head, and think before you act. Your Semblance is a great fallback, but you can't let yourself rely on it. It won't always save you." (He lowers his face as his emotions change to sadness) "Obviously… You definitely have your mom's stubbornness."

Yang looks up at him.

Yang: "Oh, so we can talk about her?"

Taiyang: "Well, as I have been informed, you're an adult now, remember?"

Yang: "Well, sorry I remind you of her."

Taiyang: "Don't be. Raven was great in so many ways - her strength, her ambition, her dedication to whatever cause she thought was worth fighting for…."

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