Chapter 17: Darkness Mobilize

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Warning: everything written has description of dark material such as a character's Injury and/or death. Viewers discretion is advised.

Earlier that day at Ozpin's Office, there was a meeting between Ozpin and Pyrrha as Qrow stands by. Ozpin had just finished explaining to Pyrrha that the powers of the Four Maidens exist.

Qrow: "Yeah, the first time hearing it is pretty crazy."

Pyrrha: "You're serious?" (She turns to Ozpin)

Ozpin: "Do I look like I'm joking."

Pyrrha: (She thinks for a second) "... No. W- why are you telling me this?"

Ozpin: "We're telling you, Pyrrha Nikos, because we believe that you are next in line to receive the Fall Maidens powers."

Pyrrha: "We?"

Just then the elevator opens to reveal General Ironwood and Professor Glynda Goodwitch.

General Ironwood: "Sorry we're late."

Pyrrha (Concerned): "Wait, what is this? Who are you?"

Glynda: "You know who we are. We're still the same Teachers and Headmasters you met when you arrived at Beacon."

Qrow: " 'Cept we've got a little part-time job."

General Ironwood: "We are the protectors of this world."

Ozpin: "And we need your help. So does one other that you have yet to meet."

Pyrrha looks at Ozpin with concern. Later they all take the elevator to the Vault. When the Elevator opens, they are all met with Salem who observes the hallways of the vault.

Salem: "The architecture here is… astonishing to say the least."

Pyrrha looks at Salem with fear.

Pyrrha: "Professor, who is she?"

Salem: "Oh. Forgive my lack of manners." (She walks over to Pyrrha and holds out her hand) "I hope that wasn't rude."

Pyrrha: "Oh, not at all."

As she holds out her hand to shake Salem's, everyone then proceeds further down the Vault. Salem however stays behind and looks at her hand. She then grips her head in pain and starts to see visions again.

 She then grips her head in pain and starts to see visions again

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Salem (Thinking to herself): "These visions. When will they end?!"

Later on to the present, two Atlesian Knights are standing guard outside of Team RWBY's Dorm. Gale and Clarissa both walk up to the door and are granted access to walk in. They both then see General Ironwood talking to Yang.

General Ironwood: "I'm sorry. But you left us with no choice."

Yang: "But he attacked me!"

General Ironwood: "Video footage and millions of viewers say otherwise."

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