Chapter 7: A Smaller and Braver Spark (Special Edition)

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Back at the Ballroom, everyone including Gale and Clarissa cheer on Team JNPR while they dance in Sync. After that they all return to their dance partners, Yang dances with Blake, Neptune keeps Weiss company, lastly Gale and Clarissa improve their dance pattern. Meanwhile Two dance partners by the names Mercury and Emerald waited for Cinder, until she finally arrived. She takes Mercury's hand and they both start to dance.

Mercury: "And how's your night been?"

Cinder: "Hmm. A little more exciting than expected."

Mercury: "Should we be worried?"

Cinder: "Hardly. Everything's been left without a trace. Although."

Mercury: "Hm?"

Cinder: "I did receive a message. The three of us will be paying a visit."

Mercury: "Oh?"

Cinder: "Don't worry, I'll explain everything back in our dorm. For now enjoy the rest of the night. After all it is a party."

The next morning Gale walks to the Cafeteria for Breakfast, but he is stopped by Yang.

Yang: "Hey there! Who knew you were quite the ladies man?"

Gale (Confused): "Huh?"

Yang: "You know! Clarissa told me all about the two of you at the dance! I gotta say I did see how you two danced and although the highlight of the night was Jaune in a dress and his team's Synced dance. I can honestly say that you and Clarissa really can dance!"

Gale (Blushing): "I mean- I didn't really dance. She was just teaching me and I wellllll."

Yang smiles and leans closer to Gale.

Yang (Smirking): "Hmmmmm? So you like her too, huh?" (Gale is caught off guard and Yang grabs him in a headlock and starts to sing teasingly) "Gale and Clarissa sitting in a tree-"

Gale struggles to break free.

Gale: "Yang!" (He then notices a mail canister in her hand) "Were you receiving the mail?"

Yang finally lets go.

Yang: "Yep, it's from my Dad. He sent this from Patch and I'm going to the dorm room while we all wait for Ruby."

Gale: "She's not there at the moment?"

Yang: "Nope. Apparently there was a Break-in at the CCT Towers and She needs to speak to Professor Ozpin to make a report."

Gale: "Oh, I hope everything's ok."

Yang: "I'm sure everything's fine. Well I can't keep the others waiting."

Gale: "Oh, right. I'm going to go grab some breakfast and hang with the bots. Tell everyone I said hi."

Yang: "Sure thing! Clarissa's hanging with us too so I'll be sure to tell her as well." (She winks at Gale)

Gale (Blushes): "You serious?!"

Yang: "Yep, and I'm sure that even the bots can see the 'Spark' between the both of you."

Gale looks at her unamused.

Gale (Poker face): "Was that a pun?"

Yang: "That's what I'm best known for!"

Yang then waves and walks away leaving Gale Blushing. But he walks to the cafeteria.
Later outside The Autobots finish their weapon upgrades and Gale walks by. Bumblebee takes notice.

Bumblebee: "Hey Gale!"

Gale: "Hey Bee, how's project Mechtech comin' along?"

Bumblebee: "Well it's something to say the least-"

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