Chapter 26: Royal Debate

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In the Schnee Manor of Atlas, Weiss is seen sitting on a chair in her room. As she looks out the window to the outside, she then hears a knock on her door.

Weiss: "Yes?"

The doors to her room then open to reveal a kind butler by the name Klein Sieben.

Klein: "Pardon the interruption, Miss Schnee. But your father wishes to speak with you."

Weiss sighs as she stands up. The then gathers her mental strength to proceed out her room.

Weiss: "Thank you, Klein."

After a while of walking through the Various hallways and columns, she is stopped by her younger brother, Whitley Schnee.

Whitley: "Good afternoon, Sister." (She looks up at him) "A pleasure to see you out of your room for a change."

Weiss: "Hello, Whitley. You're in a cheery mood today."

Whitley: "Klein made Crepes for breakfast." (He smirks.)

Weiss: (Skeptical) "What do you want?"

Whitley: "I heard father shouting with someone in his study earlier. It wasn't Mother, she's already drinking in the garden. I think it was a man." (Weiss looks at him with realization) "I just wanted to warn you. I heard he had asked to speak with you."

Weiss: "I'll be fine."

Whitley: "I know you will. You're strong, like Winter."

Weiss (Raises her eyebrow): "You never liked Winter."

Whitley: "True, but you can't deny her resolve."

Weiss (Skeptical): "You seem... Different."

Whitley: "And you've been gone. I'll have you know I didn't stop growing while you were away at Beacon." (He starts to walk away) "Anyway, good luck with Father."

As he leaves, Weiss looks back.

Weiss: "Thank you."

Meanwhile, Chainbreak is in her motorcycle vehicle mode, pulling a small trailer with team RNJR in it. Ruby herself is looking into the map.

Ruby: "The next town is... Uh..hmmm... we're lost."

Jaune (pointing to the map): "We're not lost. The next town is Shion. My family used to visit it all the time."

Ruby: "Oh yeah. Don't you have, like, four sisters?"

Jaune: "Uh, seven."

Ruby and Chainbreak both giggle.

Nora: "You know, that actually explains a lot."

Ruby: "So, what did you guys do there?"

Jaune: "Oh, all sorts of stuff! Over here is a great hiking trail, and over here is where we went camping all the time. I got my own tent because I was special. Also, my sisters would stop braiding my hair."

Chainbreak (Vehicle mode): "With long hair like yours, I would go for a different style."

Jaune: "Yeah, they just kept doing pigtails, but personally, I think I'm more of a "warrior's wolftail" kind of guy."

Ruby: "Jaune, that's just a ponytail."

Jaune: "I stand by what I said."

Chainbreak suddenly stops to Ruby and Jaune's confusion, however Nora covers her mouth as she gasps in horror and Ren tenses up.

Ruby: "Hey sis, why'd you-" (She looks up and gasps)

In front of them was a recently destroyed village. As everyone ran out from the trailer, Chainbreak Transforms and follows. Soon enough they all found a severely wounded Huntsman.

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