Chapter 37: Healing wounds

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In the command center of Atlas, General Ironwood walks in with a concerned expression as Optimus Prime notices.

Optimus: "General Ironwood, is something troubling you?"

General Ironwood: "It's nothing serious, Optimus. Just another one-on-one conversation with Jacques. However something did happen…"

Optimus pays close attention as to what General Ironwood would say next.

General Ironwood: "Jacques would never lock the door to a study room, however I had trouble opening it when I tried to get out. The next thing I knew after we successfully opened the door, Jacques stormed around his manner after yelling at his Butler Klein."

Optimus: "This Jaques sounds like he's at his limit of patience."

Ironwood: "Well after everything I did for the kingdom, he didn't seem to like it. Apparently I'm damaging the system within his company after I closed Atlas's borders."

Optimus: "Surely there has to be something more than that."

Ironwood: "I believe there is, assuming that Marissa Faireborn knows something that recently happened…"

Optimus Optics widens as he looks at Elita-One who also looks at the security monitor of Gale's hospital room. The monitor shows Marissa Faireborn talking to Jacques' security guards, which raises General Ironwood's suspicion. Tires are then heard rolling in, revealing to be Goldfire as he transformed into his robot mode.

Goldfire: "That was a stressful trip."

Elita-One: "Uh… Goldfire?"

Goldfire: "Yeah?" (Elita-One points at General Ironwood and Goldfire is left speechless) "Oh hey, General!.... Wazzup?"

General Ironwood raises his eyebrow as he looks at Goldfire, Optimus just looks at him blankly  and Elita-One just Facepalms.
Meanwhile at the Infirmary room, the two security guards exit out of the room completely distraught.

Security guard 1: "We would have known if his daughter were here!"

Security guard 2: "I know, right?! How did we completely miss that?!

Security guard: "Well, all I can say is get ready to fire up your resumé, cuz I think we're out of the job."

As they both leave, Andrew watches them on their way out as Alicia stands by the hospital bed. Pyrrha also looks out the window as she contemplates recent events. As Andrew closes the door, he walks over to Pyrrha.

Andrew: "Miss. Nikos." (Pyrrha Looks at him) "I just want to say that my wife and I really appreciate you and young Ms Faireborn for staying by our son's side. The both of you really are good friends."

Pyrrha: "Thank you, Mr. Riley." (She looks at Gale) "I know that deep in my heart… When he wakes up, he'll be the same person that we met at Beacon. No matter how the situation looked, no matter what hardship that he ever faced, he never lost his dream. He kept fighting back then, and I know that he'll keep fighting to this day."

Alicia: "Gale has always been the type of person to never give up… he took after his father in a way." (She smiles) "Like the time Andrew and I crashed landed at Fort Arrowfell all those years ago… we were in the most dangerous spot of our lives, he even tried calling for help. Help eventually came, but something happened."

Pyrrha: "What happened?"

Alicia then looks over at Gale and smiles.

Alicia: "The most amazing thing that could ever happen in a mother's life."

As Pyrrha looks over at Gale, her eyes widened with realization.

Meanwhile at Kuroyuri, Drift blocks the Nuckelavee Grimm's Claws with one of his duo Katanas. As Everyone watches with shock and awe, Ruby snaps back to her senses and turns to Ren.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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