Chapter 6: The Awakening (Redux)

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Original publish date: March 19, 2023

In Gale's room at Beacon Academy's infirmary, Everyone stands in shock as they see Gale with his eyes glowing blue. However this didn't stop Gale from panicking.

Gale (Heavy breaths): "Why is everything dark?!" (In his vision he sees Silhouettes) "What's happening?!"

Winter: "Riley listen, your in the infirmary and-"

Gale (Panicking): "Winter? Is that you? Where's Ruby?! Where's Bumblebee?!"

Bumblebee (Outside): "Gale? Is everything alright?"

Gale looks outside and is shocked and confused about something.

Gale: "Bumblebee?... Why… Why are you blue?"

Bumblebee was caught off guard and Optimus looks in confusion. Gale sees Bumblebee crystal clear even through the window, but in a blue hue.

General Ironwood: "Gale, you need to calm down and listen."

Gale turns his attention to General Ironwood and notices a closed box that he was carrying.

Gale: "Is that a scroll with my name encoded?"

General Ironwood looks surprised because he didn't open the box yet.

General Ironwood: "How- what?"

Gale then looks around in the room. While he still sees Silhouettes and darkness, he sees each Silhouette with a scroll with names encoded.

Gale: "Ruby? Blake? Weiss? Yang?"

Team RWBY looks at him in confusion and relief. Blake walks up beside Gale to hold his hand.

Blake: "Don't worry, it's us." (Gale gasps in surprise.) "But we need you to take a moment to breathe slowly."

Gale listens, he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He then opens his eyes back to their normal color, and sees Blake with his normal vision. Gale then looks around and sees everyone in his normal vision then turns his attention back to Blake.

Gale: "Blake?" (Blake hugs him in excitement, and he hugs back) "Thank God you're alright! All of you!"

Everyone smiles and gathers in for a group hug. General Ironwood and Winter just stand by with relief and smiles. Even Optimus, Drift, and Bumblebee observe with relief.

Bumblebee: "How are you feeling Gale?"

Gale: "I feel a little better. I'm also surprised."

Optimus: "Surprised about what?"

Gale: "That I probably unlocked my Semblance."

Everyone looks at him in surprise.

Nora: "So what happened that moment earlier was your semblance?!" (She runs over to him in excitement) "Now you gotta tell us! What is it? What does it do? HOW DO YOU DO IT?!?!"

Ren: "Nora, he still needs time to rest. But if you still want to know, be at least calm about it."

Nora calms down and steps back. Everyone starts to listen with interest.

Gale: "I don't exactly know how it works, but I can describe how it happened."

Gale Starts to explain to everyone how it happened.
Meanwhile in the Land of Darkness, there lies a Castle surrounded by pools of Grimm from which the creatures spawn from. Inside the Castle there were individuals that consisted of Arthur Watts, Tyrian, and Salem. Arthur sets his scroll down on the table and turns to Salem.

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