Chapter 8: The Heat of Attack!

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Disclaimer: As opposed to the estimate of either over or under 3 thousand words per chapter, the word count for this chapter is over 5 thousand.

Earlier that day in Mountain Glenn, Team RWBY with Dr. Oobleck made camp in one of the abandoned buildings. While Yang kept watch outside of the building, Ruby was awakened by her Corgi Zwei who was panting.

Ruby: "Huh? Zwei, it's late. Go back to bed." (She yawns)

Zwei suddenly runs out to Ruby's surprise.

Ruby: (Whispering) "Zwei!" (She quickly gets up to grab her Crescent Rose, and runs after Zwei)

Outside of the building she looks frantically for Zwei, only to find him marking his territory.

Ruby: (Sighs) "Zwei, this is a wasteland. You literally could have done that anywhere!"

Zwei: "Bark!"

Ruby picks up Zwei, but then she hears voices in the distance.

??? #1: "What was that?"

She quickly hides herself and Zwei behind a pile of debris. She then looks to see where the voices came from; two White Fang guards.

White Fang guard #2: "What was what?"

White Fang guard #1: "I thought I heard a Beowolf or something."

White Fang guard #2: "Tch. Let's just finish our patrol and head back to base. This place gives me the creeps."

While the White Fang guards walk back to base, Ruby follows them without either of them noticing her. Unfortunately on the top of one the buildings, Laserbeak notices her and closes in quietly. Later the guards walk up to the entrance of their hideout and open it. Ruby hides while she holds out Zwei to watch out for them.

Ruby: (Whispering) "Did they go in yet? One bark means yes."

An echo of the doors closing is heard.

Zwei: "Bark!"

Ruby sets Zwei down and grabs her scroll.

Ruby: "Oh, this is it!" (She tries to call her team but to no avail as it shows a Low Signal notification) "Aw, man! C'mon Zwei, we gotta get the others!"

Just then Laserbeak swoops in and Ruby gasps in horror.

Laserbeak: "Kaaawww!!!" (He starts shooting at Ruby)

Ruby uses her weapon in scythe mode and deflects the blaster bolts. Unfortunately the bolts that hit the ground cause it to break beneath her feet. Ruby almost falls and Zwei runs to her.

Ruby: "Zwei, get back! Go to the others!" (She then loses her grip and falls)

Zwei was about to jump after her but Laserbeak blocks him.

Laserbeak: "Kaaawww?"

Zwei barks aggressively at Laserbeak then runs back to the camp where the rest of the team is. Laserbeak then flies away leaving Ruby's Crescent Rose on the ground.
Meanwhile below the surface where Ruby landed, she stands back up. But then she hears mechanical growling. As she saw where the growling came from, she was then face to face against Ravage.

Ruby (Scared): "Um, good kitty!... You are something like a cat right? Like a Jaguar?"

Ravage looks at her in confusion but still growls. Just then two White Fang guards walk in.

White Fang guard #1: "Freeze!"

White Fang guard #2: "Where'd she come from?"

Ruby was now in between Ravage and the two White Fang guards. She then tries to punch one of the guards, but it had no effect.

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