Chapter 19: Smothered in Lament.

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Warning: Everything written has description of dark material such as a character's Injury and/or death. Viewers discretion is is advised.

At the streets of Vale, Arcee races to find Optimus. When she finds him, she transforms and gasps. She then contacts Elita-One.

Arcee: "Arcee to Elita, I found Optimus but he's unconscious. He's just-"

Just then Blaster shots are being fired at her, she then turns to see who it was only to see Swindle with a minigun.

Swindle: "What's that Arcee? I can't hear you over the sound of Skyquakes salvaged minigun!" (Arcee then gets behind some debris for cover)

At the docks, Elita receives the transmission.

Arcee (Over comms): "I'm pinned down! Swindle's here, and really armed!"

Elita-One then struggles to make a decision; Either explain to Chainbreak about how she's Cliffjumper's daughter or Help Optimus. Marissa then steps in.

Marissa: "Elita, just go! There's a lot to explain from this!" (Chainbreak turns to her attention)

Chainbreak: "You knew?!"

Marissa: "I… I didn't want to keep it from you."

Gale looks to Chainbreak in concern, but Chainbreak makes a decision.

Chainbreak: "I'm going with Gale to help Jaune and Pyrrha."

Marissa: "Chainbreak I-"

Chainbreak: "I want to hear it from all of you." (She points at Marissa and Elita-One.)

Chainbreak then Transforms and Gale climbs on, Ruby and Weiss also follows but makes a black Glyph on Chainbreak for her and Ruby to hang on to. They all then ride out to Beacon, While Elita tries to stop them but to no avail. She then Transforms to save Optimus.

Marissa: "I… I wanted to tell you."

Clarissa looks at her with concern and Marissa notices.

Marissa: "Clair… I." (She looks down in shame.)

Clarissa nods like she understood what she was trying to say. She then attends to Blake and Yang as well as Nora and Ren. Marissa then checks on Bumblebee.
Meanwhile, Arcee struggles to fight back against Swindle. That was until the mini gun got jammed.

Swindle: "Damn." (He throws it to the side.)

Just then Elita-One transforms and kicks him in the face, which causes him to fall on his side. Arcee then gets up and runs in to help by aiming her blaster at Swindle.

Arcee: "Don't move."

Swindle: "Really?" (He stands up) "What are you gonna do?"

Arcee then spins her blaster and Hits Swindle on the side of his forehead. He then falls unconscious.

Arcee: "That."

Elita-One then runs to Optimus and tries to wake him up.

Elita-One: "Optimus. Wake up!"

As Optimus wakes up he grabs his rifle, then stands up.

Optimus: "I saw them."

Elita-One: "Who?"

Optimus: "Galvatron and Nemesis Prime. They both said that he is here."

Elita-One: "Who's he?"

Optimus: "He used to be an individual who believed that he would be the first Decepticon to bear the Matrix."

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