Chapter 16: Good will Crawl

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Everyone looks at Salem with confusion and Horror. Ozpin steps forward.

Ozpin: "All this time you were planning to destroy Beacon."

Salem: "I was. Especially when the Decepticons sided with us, I thought we had an advantage. However with what I saw from The Golden Disc, there's a threat much larger than you and I with our respective forces.This 'Unicron' Everyone speaks of."

Qrow: "These subordinates you have posing as students, they're the ones responsible for Autumn's condition correct?" (Salem looks to Qrow)

Salem: "Yes, Cinder was to take the Fall Maidens power but was only able to absorb half of it. No doubt you were there. (Qrow lifts his flask)

Qrow: "You bet." (Drinks from his flask)

Ozpin: "This is going to be complicated, but we have already chosen our guardian to inherit these powers."

Salem looks at Ozpin with concern, but Optimus and the Autobots, including Marissa and Clarissa all look at him with confusion.

Optimus: "What is this 'Fall Maiden' which you speak of?"

Glynda: "The Fall Maiden is one of the four seasonal Maidens who possess great power. The other Maidens are Spring, Winter, and Summer. They also have-" (Ozpin stops her before she could continue)

Ozpin: "As much as we would like to explain everything, we have an important matter to discuss." (He looks at Winter then Ironwood understands the gesture.)

General Ironwood: "Schnee, We'll discuss this incident back on my ship."

Winter turns to General Ironwood and salutes to him.

Winter: "Yes, sir."

She then walks out the door.
Later in the hallways, Gale was going to his dorm room to grab his weapon. That was until he was stopped from opening his door.

Winter: "Gale." (Gale turns to her and salutes.)

Gale: "Special Operative Schnee."

Winter: "At ease." (He does so.) "For now we can drop the formalities. How are you with your semblance and weapon skills?"

Clarissa walks down another hallway but overhears them, she then hides in a corner.

Gale: "I'm doing alright. Even if my semblance has evolved to sensing dust energy, I feel like it can evolve further. I hope that this tournament can help like my recent missions."

Winter: "I'm glad to hear that. I also want to inform you that due to recent events, you have been selected to join the Ace Operatives." (Gale gasps in surprise) "I'm sure that your Parents would be thrilled to hear the news, and that Clover would be more than happy to train you."

Clarissa smiles but looks down in concern. Meanwhile, Gale listens but he then notices a shadow in the corner behind Winter. He looked down with uncertainty, but he had an idea.

Gale: "Miss. Schnee, I really appreciate the offer. But I feel like I'm happy where I am." (Winter smiles)

Winter: "I understand."

Gale: "Would it be okay if I recommend someone?" (Winter pays attention) "I have a friend named Marrow Amin, he also has the same test scores as I do. I also think that he would be a better ace op than I would."

Clarissa looks up with surprise and smiles with joy.

Winter: "I take this request into consideration. But don't sell yourself short, Gale. You have done more for your team than you realized." (Gale looks up in surprise.) "Not only do you fight for everyone, you also honor those who have fallen and would give anything to see the future of Atlas and Remnant."

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