Chapter 10: Duel for Honor. (Redux)

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Original Publish date: April 16, 2023

In the Land of Darkness, Shockwave receives a notification alert. This catches everyone's attention.

Shockwave: "Interesting."

Megatron: "Shockwave, report."

Shockwave: "It seems that Bludgeon has activated a ground bridge path to Bumblebee's crashed ship, I am also reading multiple Autobot signals. One of them being his former apprentice."

Megatron: "So the time has come. It was bound to happen sooner or later."

Salem raises her eyebrow.

Salem: "May I ask who this Bludgeon is?"

Megatron turns his attention to Salem.

Megatron: "Bludgeon is something of a warrior who fights by the ways of the sword. He had an apprentice, but left with the reason that Bludgeon and the rest of the Decepticons are not honoring the basic principles of life."

Salem: "The principles such as?"

Megatron: "The principles of our way of living. To live without slavery or corruption, to liberate ourselves with a new vision. However words alone cannot reach, which is why I myself started this Decepticon campaign. To ensure that every Cybertronian will understand the fight for true equality lies in strength."

Salem was surprised to hear this. She then thinks back to what happened throughout her lifetime.

Salem: "You know, we both have something in common." (Megatron pays close attention.) "The life we live now was nothing compared to how it used to be. Back then I was imprisoned in a way."

Megatron: "By whom?"

Salem: "My father. I was locked in my room, in the highest tower. I started to lose hope that I will one day venture out of my palace. But there was a day when a savior came and freed me." (She clenches her fists.) "I used to think that we were destined to be together, the freedom that I have sought for so long was with him. That was until he was taken from me." (She starts to get angry.) I prayed and begged the gods to bring him back to me. All they ever did was kill him again and again in front of me and cursed me with immortality! Soon after I led a revolt with every kingdom to take a stand against our gods only to be wiped out. However it wasn't just the warriors of our kingdoms, the gods wiped out each and every living being, leaving me to be all alone until the human race rebuilt themselves. As that happened, the one who I thought was my savior, returned to me."

Megatron: "And, what happened?"

Salem: "He wasn't the same person that I knew. It was too late for me to realize that, after I had started a family with him!" (She quickly opens her hand and shatters a window to Starscream's surprise.) "He was already doing their bidding, all the while being cursed with immortality as well."

Megatron: "So the recent attack on Vale was another step for your plan?"

Salem: "Yes, Roman Torchwick is held captive onboard an Atlas cruiser, while Cinder and her subordinates pose as students to infiltrate Beacon. So far all of the pieces on the board are in place and if this Bludgeon succeeds in his duel, this will give us a greater advantage sooner than later." (She looks outside the shattered window.)

At the crash site where everyone of all factions gather, the duel between Drift and Bludgeon starts. Bludgeon swings his Kitana aggressively at Drift only to be blocked. Bludgeon continues his offensive position against Drift only to be repeatedly blocked with sparks igniting.

Drift: "You fight without restraint! Desperate, without discipline!"

Bludgeon gets enraged and charges at Drift. He swings his blade once more and they both are in a blade lock.

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