Interview 2.

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Luna Pov

Lia:no Luna you can't do this what will we do without you

Luna:ahhh...I know but try to understand Lia i am 90% Vampire and I am not getting enough blood here

Liana:for you I can start bloodshed anywhere

Luna:ots not like that liana

Lucy:I don't know luna you're not going anywhere and that's it

Luna:you guys are not trying to understand my powers are also getting out of control and It can only abel to control in darkworld

Lucy:luna We all know you'll lose your control in darkworld and you'll probably find that lucifer

Luna:I don't know what will i do i just know that if I will not go to hell soon then I will get exposed infront of world

Lia:luna the thing is that our marriage age is getting closer you know that soon we have to marry to the names written on that old book

Luna:I don't want to marry and I can control it

Lucy:you are just saying a lie to make yourself calm you know that if we will not marry in upcoming months then it will be dangerous for us

Liana:and also like our mother we have to marry minimum two men's

Luna:ahhh.....I know everything but just let me go to darkworld

Lia:you're not going anywhere Luna and that's it now go and sleep all of you tommrow we have to take the interviews of new candidates


Lia:no argument i know you're older but still you all have to listen me now go and sleep


??:ahhhh.....hyung let me sleep afterall we don't have anything to do so let me sleep

??:yaa....when will you leave your laziness yoongi

Yoongi:if I will leave laziness then who will become Sloth now go and disturb other brothers let me sleep jin hyung

Jin:ahhhh....these boys

??:what happened hyung

Jin:nothing namjoon its just I am thinking about other youngers

Namjoon:ahhh....well they are in the room

??:this is mine give it to me

??:no I want more gold give it to me

Jin:yaaa....hoseok and taehyung will you both stop fighting

Hoseok:but hyung

Jin:no buts give him the gold mug

Tae:thanks so much hyung

??:hyung I wanted to say something

Jin:say jk

Jk:I think we all should go on hunt for our preys actually we all are getting bored here

??:yes and also I want some new girls to make me satisfied myself

Jin:what you say namjoon

Namjoon:well jk and iimin is right hyung we should go

Jin:but finding preys are not that easy nowadays

Namjoon:,well you're right but lets see who will attract to us

Jimin:yes hyung I am also bored with these whores I want to fuck a human someone who is different

Jin:ok ok keep your mouth shut evetytime you open your mouth you say something lustful

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