Going Back.32

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Luna Pov

We all are coming back form the royal court ahhh....tye situation of kingdom is getting wrose day by day and its already 1 week and I can't abel to get that wand aish.....what should I do

Liana:what are you thinking Luna

Luna:many things can't even describe

Lucy:well Luna actually its been a long time and we didn't get back to check our company

Lia:oh...yes luna how can we forget that just like zeltron that was also our kingdom

Luna:ohhh......yes you all r8ght but do you all think that it will be good to go to Brightworld right now

Liana:well yes it was totally safe cuz now jisoo and suho is here and also we know that they both are not going to do anything that we have to worry about

Luna:no how can we go to Brightworld leaving them like that they will surely try to do something in our absence

Lucy:aish.......don't worry only we 4 have to go and 7 of them will manage everything here

Lia:yes luna Lucy is right and its very important to check pur company after we also have many enemies in brightworld

Luna:but they will never gonna interfere in our company cuz somehow they know the consequences *smirk*

Lucy:right and also Luna we are missing form the day we murdered the Mr.Lee and his all family

Liana:we also have to take over Mr.Lee company afterall Mr.Lee solded that company to us *smirk*

Luna:you all are right there is many works we have to do but how many days it will take to do all this

Lia:we don't know it depends on the speed of our work

Luna:ahhh....ok look it 3:00 Pm so go and pack your bags we will leave 5:00 pm for the brightworld

Liana:without our assistants aka our husband's

Luna:obviously only we 4 are going now go and pack the bags

We all left for our respective rooms I entered in my room and saw no one is there I think they both are busy in the work well I will tell them before leaving I walked to the mirror and take off my ruby crown and keep it to the safe place

Suddenly my eyes fall on my ruby locket I creased it and started remembering how everything changes so fast the day they came to our company for the interview i felt that they are not normal humans but I shrugged off my thoughts and keep going

Then the blood moon night and our birthday not gonna lie but form the first day I was slowly attracted to namjoon because of his cold replies his aura his everything and about Tae u was attracted to him because of his friendly behavior his smile his eyes

Ahhhh....I didn't realised when tears came in my eyes to be honest after mother death I never got time to think about myself I was so busy in thinking about the company,zeltron,throne,my sisters,jisoo but everything changed they day they came in our life

I started focusing on myself cuz now it's not only about me there is someone who will wait for me till there last breath there are someone who will support my every decision there is someone who will kill everyone just for me finally I have someone for whom I can get ready

Ahhh........mother I don't know why you're not talking to me but i really want to talk to you I have to ask you many things I opened my eyes and saw Tae was behind me only in towel I turned to him and he is looking at me with raised eyebrows

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