The Sister Night.12

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Lucy Pov

I sat infront of Liana but she didn't felt my presence so tapped on her shoulder she looked at me and I saw dried tears in her eyes I hold her hands and I said

Lucy:what happened Liana

Liana:no-nothing Lucy

Lucy:liana maybe 8 minutes but I am older than you now tell me

Liana:I am missing mother Lucy I want her right now *started crying silently*

Lucy:liana calm down mother us always with us

Liana:still Lucy and about Luna anger towards lucifer I understand her and her anger but I don't think that now it matters

Lucy:ahhhh....I can understand Liana now stop crying and give me a hug *spread her arms*

Liana:I love you Lucy you,luna and lia is always here for me thanks *sobbing silently*

Lucy:we are always here for you princess well tell me one thing

Liana:hmm...ask *sobs*

Lucy:what you think about your soulmate

Liana:I don't know Lucy maybe someone who can abel to control my anger and someone who will support me in my good or bad *thinking deeply*

Lucy:good choice Liana we all have yo wake up early tommrow so let's just sleep in time

Liana:hmm....I am going to sleep

Lucy:did you packed all your things

Liana:yes I did

Lucy:ok now go and sleep I am going for a walk

Luna:I will also join you

Lucy:you wake up

Luna:yes I just woke up and now I am not going to sleep for few hours *stretching her arms*

Lucy:ok let's go Lia is sleeping and liana is also going to sleep so let's go and enjoy ourselves


Luna Pov

We both walked out of our room and started walking in dark empty corridor the corridor was little lighted cuz of moonlight we both don't know where are we walking but we just know that we both are together actually

I and lucy have many types if similarities so its normal that when we both are together we both enjoy so much Lucy was little bit lost in her thoughts so i said

Luna:what happened Lucy

Lucy:nothing Luna well follow me let's find alcohol

Luna:but where Lucy this palace is so big and we also don't know that where we are going down bish.....lets find in Gluttony room

Luna:you mean we are going to jin room without his permission

Lucy:obviously after tommrow we are starting out adventure so why not enjoy tonight

Luna:aish......ok bish let's go

We both walked to jin room but I stayed outside and lucy walked inside

Lucy Pov

I walked inside his room this is the first time I am coming to his room and as I thought there was a big counter full of wines,champagne and alcohol so i just tip toed to the counter but I don't know why I changed my way and tip toed to his bed

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