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--*Next Morning*--

We 4 get ready and wore our wedding dress and ear cuffs we 4 walked to the stage that was built between the zeltron and inferno we 11 stand there and a old devil come and we complete the wedding rituals

Jin:so people of inferno form today I am your 1st king and I want you to introduce the 1st queen of inferno Kim Park Lucy *crowds clapping*

Yoongi;form today I am your 2nd king and I want uou all to introduce the 2nd queen of inferno Min Lia *crowds clapping*

Hoseok:form today I am your 3rd king and I want you to introduce the 3rd queen of inferno Jung Jeon Liana *crowds clapping*

Namjoon:I am your 4th king inferno and let me introduce you all to the 4th queen of inferno Kim Luna *crowds clapping*

Jimin:they are also the 5th,6th and 7th queen of inferno so now on I want whole inferno to respect them and obey there order *serious tone*

Luna:now my dear people's of zeltron form now on I am the 1st queen of zeltron and the 1st kings of zeltron are Kim Namjoon and Kim Taehyung and I want all of you ro respect them *serious tone+crowds clapping*

Lia:I am your 2nd queen zeltron and Min Yoongi is the 2nd king of Zeltron and I want all of you to respect him *serious tone+crowds clapping*

Lucy:so zeltron meet your 3rd kings Kim Seokjin and Park Jimin and I want all of you to respect them *smiles+crowds clapping*

Liana:form now on I am your 4th queen and I want you to introduce the 4th kings of zeltron Jung Hoseok and Jeon Jungkook I want you all to respect them *crowds clapping*

Luna Pov

Soom jin started giving his speech for the inferno and me namjoon and taehyung was standing quietly suddenly namjoon whispered something in my ear

Namjoon:luna you know I really appreciate little things and creatures in my life *smirk*

Luna:namjoon Don't think that now if we are married so I can't threat you ok and I don't want to listen any joke on my height *angry pout*

Tae:ahhh......luna don't pout like that ot I will eat your lips right infront of everyone *lip bite* both are so prevert well you both know I am very excited for tonight

Namjoon:why babygirl are you that much desperate *smirk* huh....just tell us *lip bite*

Luna:yaaa....I am excited because tonight I will mark you both according to our ritual marking our partner is a very important this helps us to get pregnant only by there baby and also it will connect us internally *serious tone*

Tae:Hmmm....pregnant sounds good *smirk* and I really want to get marked by you *smirk*

Luna:ahhhh....leave it and just wait for the after ceremony and for now just focus on the speech *rolls eyes*

Lucy Pov

Jin just finished his speech and now yoongi is giving his speech and I am just standing between jin and jimin I said something to jin

Lucy:jin are you ready to get marked by me *smirk*

Jin:I am ready for everything darling *smirk*

Jimin:I am also very excited for tonight baby *smirk*

Lucy:ahhh......well i am more excited like finally I am married and I can live with my 2 husband's I am so happy love you jin and jimin *kissed jin cheek*

Jimin:what about my kiss baby

Lucy:daddy I gave you more than kiss remember *whispered to his ear*

Jimin:*gulped* umm....yeah I remember *remembering the dream*

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