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--*Next Morning*--

Luna Pov

I waked up cuz of birds chirping and tried to get up but something heavy was on my stomach Tae and namjoon hands was on my stomach I slowly get up and tried to walk to the washroom

I was about to stand on the floor when suddenly someone picked me up in bridal style and it was namjoon my hands are around his neck like a garland he walked to the washroom and said

Namjoon:you're not in the condition to walk can't you wake me or Tae so we can help you *concern look*

Luna:Hmmm....well what to say I don't want to disturb the sleep of you both

Namjoon:you're more important then our sleep ok also do you abel to attend the royal court today or you want to rest

Luna:no I want to attend the royal court and when will Tae wake up

Namjoon:I don't know he is a heavy sleeper it depends on him *chuckles*

Luna:my dear king now you can take me off on the ground *giggle*

I was so lost in the conversation with namjoon that I didn't realised we both are naked he maje me sit on the bathtub and opened the hot water tap and he sath infront of me we both are looking at eachother continously

Namjoon:remember when the first day you scolded cuz I was late for the dinner

Luna:yeah I remember even now I will scold you if you will make me wait *proudly smirking*

Namjoon:well I decided that day that only you'll be my prey and see now you're my queen my life depends on you *creasing her cheeks*

Luna:and my life depends on you both i agree i an not good in expressing my feelings but I like the presence of you both in my life *creasing his hand*

Namjoon:you know at first i hated you so much you can't even imagine but when we all take you 4 here then I realised that I don't hate you neither i love i just like your presence your voice and then I realised that I love you *coming more closer*

Luna:well I always complaints to my sister that why you can't talk to me properly and tehy always say that why I care I also didn't knew that why i care but after sometime i realised that I love you I want you to talk to me look at me and just me *pecked his lips*

Namjoon:I love you Luna I really do i will never let anything happen to you *hugged her*

After some time we both changed our dresses and waited for Tae after sometime we 3 walked downstairs together i was wearing a queen gown and my ruby crown my sisters are just staring at me

I walked to them and they was just checking me out head to toe with widened eyes then Lia hugged ne and said

Lia:today if mother was alive she will really feel very happy

Luna:not gonna lie even if i am the oldest but you're just like mother you always take care of me like mother

Liana;wow but really Luna you're looking so beautiful well same goes to lucy

Lia:afterall they both are first queens

Lucy:yeah yeah whatever I really don't know why Jin married me he know that I am very careless i am not even ready to handel zeltron as 3rd queen then how i will handel inferno as 1st queen

Luna:you fool you're not careless ok you can handel zeltron and inferno perfectly and also remember this that love always happens with unexpected person and in unexpected time

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