Father and Son .13

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Luna Pov

Jimin:well Luna I have to admit that I met so many women's but you 4 are different specially you Lucy *smirk*

Luna:thanks jimin you 7 are also very special actually to be honest I really want to give a chance to our friendship

Tae:just friendship? *,raised eyebrow*

Luna:isn't enough Tae *smiles*

Tae:yes its enough luna *smiles* you know you look more beautiful when you smile


First time in my life I felt my cheeks getting red am I really blushing but why suddenly he said

Tae:where are you lost Luna *staring deep in her eyes*

Luna:nothing *staring at his eyes*

We both are staring at each other eyes and leaning closer to eachother face he grabbed my face in his palm suddenly we heard arguing sounds and realisation hits us we both are so close to eachother we backed off and saw jimin and Lucy arguing

Jimin:what you mean huh!!!

Lucy:I just want to say that your blood was not that tasty

Jimin:how can you say that Lucy

Luna:stop it you both why are you arguing and lucy when did you tasted his blood

Lucy;ahhh.....i-its just we are j-joking right jimin

Jimin:no wait let me tell you Luna *runned to luna*

Luna:what you want to tell

Lucy:no jimin if you will say a word i will slit your throat

Luna:no I want to know tell me jimin

Jimin:ok so look at this mark *pointing at teeth marks on his neck*

Luna:umm....ok how did it happen

Jimin:Lucy sucked my blood when I was his assistant and biwi she is saying that my blood was not tasty *smirked to lucy*

Luna:wha-what why you did this Lucy *dissappointed smiel*

Tae:ok ok guys forget that and let's go back to our room we have to wake up early tommrow

Luna:yeah you are right lets go

Lucy Pov

Ahhhh......ok He didn't told Luna about that dream I am happy let me thanks him Luna and tae already leaved the terrace so I walked yo the jimin who is leaning against the railing and looking at me lustfully ahhhh....he is making me angry I walked towards him and he pulled me by my waist

And we are very close to eachother that I can abel to feel his hot breath in my lips and first time I don't want to push him but want yo hug him tightly but I am not going to do that so I said

Lucy:thanks for not telling her about the dream

Jimin:its ok darling well tell me do you remember that dream *smirk*

Lucy:yes clearly

Jimin:well did I abel to satisfy you Lucy *leaning his face more closer to her*


Jimin:you sure darling

Lucy:yes and now leave me I am tired

Jimin:ok go you're free

He loosened the grip on my waist but I don't know why I don't want to leave him like I want him to stop me but he is not doing it its ok let me just make my dream real

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