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--*Next Morning*--

Luna Pov

Today is full moon night I have to finish everything Today at any cost I walked out of my room and started finding jisoo unnie suddenly I bumped to someone he was yoongi

Yoongi:where are you going Luna

Luna:ummm.........actually I was going to royal court

Yoongi:well Today royal court is dismissed

Luna:why what happened

Yoongi:Today is full moon night Luna We all have to kill both of them Today at any cost

Luna:Hmmm....I know but firstly I have to get that wand

Yoongi:don't worry we will get that together but for now lets go to the living room for discussion

Luna:but I have a important work

Yoongi:luna what is more important then killing both of them let's go We are already late

Luna:hmm.....ok let's go

We both walked to the living room how will I find jisoo unnie and talk to her we both entered in the living room and started our discussion

Lia:I think we should first kill suho and then jisoo

Jin:I also think that killing suho hyung will be easy

Luna:but do we really have to kill jisoo unnie

As soon as I said that I can feel every eyes on me staring at me for a answer I looked in their eyes and said

Luna:don't look at me I am just here to tell you all that i am not going hurt jisoo unnie at all

Liana:luna what got into you why are you talking like that

Luna:its a very long story but for now I can just tell you all that no one will hurt jisoo unnie

Lucy;I don't know what got into you but no Luna we are not going to leave her

Lia:cuz maybe you can forget what she did but I can't forget she killed our mother and then my child

Luna:are you 3 challenging me *raised eyebrow*

Lucy:you can think what you want to think but we will surely kill her

Luna:ok then try me I will not let a scratch touch to her body and that's my promise

I walked out if the room and started walking furiously they will never understand her even if I will tell them the real truth where are you unnie its very important to talk to you


Jisoo Pov

Suho was gone out for something taking this chance i summoned wand in my hand and did the magic in the water I know that knowing my own future is against the vampire rules

But i have to do it cuz its not only about me *creasing her stomach* I closed my eyes And murmurs some spell then the visions starting coming infront of me

I opened me eyes and a drop of tears skipped my eyes ahhh...... why it always happens to me suho is going to kill me for this wand that means he is faking everything this ring the love the affection

I clenched my jaw and my eyes turned into red and my tears turned into blood whenever a vampire cry bloody tears that means he or she will going to do something big

But firstly I have to gave this wand in a safe hand cuz i know its not save with me Luna is the rightful owner of this wand i will give it to her but I also can't stay here i have to run away

✔️7 Deadly Sins (Part-1)Where stories live. Discover now