The Adventure.14

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--*Next Morning*--

Luna Pov

I woke up and get ready then we 4 together walked to downstairs and felt 7 pairs of eyes on us but this time these gaze are different I walked towards namjoon and taehyung and said

Luna:good morning

Namjoon:Tae form which direction today sun rised *chuckles*

Luna:*shows middle finger* whatever

Tae:relax Luna I didn't say anything so don't get angry form me have to say you're looking good

Luna:thanks Tae you're also looking good learn something form your younger *glancing at namjoon*

Namjoon:yeah yeah lets go my queen we are getting late

Luna:I not your queen I am queen of zeltron

Tae;ok ok stop you both let's go

I hovered over a black horse and we all 11 started our adventure after few hours we stopped near a river bank and started relaxing

Lia Pov

I was standing near river creasing that ruby bracelet when someone backhugged me I flinched and turned back and I saw it was yoongi I said

Lia:what happened


Lia:ok so are you excited to know who will be your soulmate

Yoongi:to be honest no I am not excited I don't even want to see that book

Lia:but why yoongi don't you want to become king as soon as possible

Yoongi;yes I want to but i-i like someone else *looking deep in her eyes*

Lia:ok tell me who is she I will help you to get her

Yoongi:ummmm.......she is *thinking deeply*

Lia:look yoongi you don't have to think that much I am your friend you can tell me anything

Yoongi:just friends? *looking at her with soft eyes*

Lia:what do you mean

Yoongi:Lia did you really never thought me more than your friend?

Lia:what you wanted to say yoongi say it clearly

Yoongi:ok so listen I love you Lia and I want you to become my queen *looking deep in her eyes*

Lia:what are you saying yoongi *stepping back*

Yoongi;Lia I don't know when and how I started loving you but now I can't stop it

Lia:,*long sigh* Yoongi I don't think this conversation is gonna work cuz somehow we both knew that w-we are no-not eachothers soulmate *sad tone*

Yoongi;Lia just tell me do you love me cuz if you do then I am ready to fight whole world for you and I don't care about that useless soulmate thing

Lia:you don't have to fight whole world for me ok I am not made for you and i-i don't l-love you and that's it *controlling her tears*

Yoongi:what a big lier you are Lia your eyes your voice your body language is telling me that you love me then why you're denying this

Lia:I am not lying yoongi I don't love you and that's it *walks away*

Sorry yoongi I don't have any option left I love you I really love you but somewhere I know that we are not made for eachother and I don't want yo give you any hope cuz if I will accepted you today then you'll never agree to marry your soulmate and I don't want to give you any trouble I am sorry yoongi

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