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--*Next Morning*--

Lia Pov

I wake up and sat on the bed thinking what to do today suddenly a idea popped up in mind let me give a little gift to yoongi it would be great I get off the bed and get ready and

I walked out of the room and goes to yoongi room I knocked twice and then he opened the door

He is looking so hot right now in his messy hair He said

Yoongi:what happened Lia

Lia:what can't I see my room

Yoongi:yes but do you know you disturbed my sleep

Lia:so you're sleep is more important than me huh?

Yoongi:yes is it afterall I am Sloth come lets sleep together

Lia:no no I am not here to sleep I am here to take you somewhere

Yoongi:where Lia

Lia:like I want to give you something so I am waiting for you go and get ready

Yoongi:ok *yawn* but I am sleepy *yawn*

Lia:no excuses just go and freshen up

Yoongi:ahhhh.........ok my queen as you say

He walked inside the washroom and after few minutes he came back all ready I take out a cloth and blindfold him

Yoongi:where are we going Lia what are you doing

Lia:I am just blind folding you so i can take you to your gift

Yoongi:ok queen guid me   *completely blind fold*

I hold his hand and guided him to out of the palace and then I make him sat on the chair and I opened his blindfold and he slowly opened his eyes

Yoongi:where are we

Lia:well I know you're not that much in nature and plants but I thought a morning breakfast in the garden will be good

Yoongi;only we both are here? *leaning close go her face*

Lia:umm....yes only both of us

Yoongi:so does that mean you take me on a dare *teasing tone*

Lia:if you want you can say that *blushed* we have pancakes juice and tangerins for our breakfast

Lia:yes simple and light *giggle*

Yoongi:ok then lets start eating I am really very hungry

We both ate our breakfast peacefully then suddenly yoongi kneeled down in the ground and take our a simple and thin ring and he said

Yoongi:Lia my love I love you will you become my queen and rule the inferno together *smiles*

I also kneeled down to his level and hold his hands then I said

Lia:yes I will yoongi will you become my king and rule the zeltron together

Yoongi:yes i will

He make me wear that ring and we both shared a deep and passionate kiss when we feel out of breath we backed off and attached our forehead

Yoongi;whole inferno and zeltron will see that how King Min Yoongi treat hus queen

Lia:ok ok now lets go back to the palace everyone is looking for us

Yoongi:yeah lets go

As soon as we turn back yo leave the garden we saw jimin and Lucy talking about something while holding hands and a mischievous smile appeared on our face we decided to eavesdropping there talks so we hide ourselves

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