Love Goddess.15

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Yoongi & Lia:you're Aphrodite right

Aphrodite:Wow have to say I didn't expected that any of you can abel to recognize me

Luna:do you want to tell me clearly who you are

Aphrodite:ohhh...dear ok so i am Aphrodite the goddess love and beauty I know that you 11 came here to find who is your soulmate

Jin:so now will you tell us who are they feels like yesterday when lucifer and Lilith came here to ask that who are there soulmate

Hoseok:what do you mean why queen Lilith and our father is together

Aphrodite:looks like i have to tell you everything well lets start form the beginning lucifer was the fallen angel and son of Jesus Christ and Lilith was also a fallen angel they both have a very pure soul but when they both choosed the wrong path they both met eachother slowly slowly

They fall i'm love with eachother they both can't live without eachother one day they came here to know that who are there soulmate well they are very confident about that they are eachothers soulmate

But they are not eachothers soulmate Lucifer has 5 wife's in his faith and Lilith have 4 husband's in his faith I warned them that they didn't mean to be with eachother but they didn't listen to me and they decided to be with eachother

But as i always say if love is a blessing then it was also a cruse they both fell apart and have to leave eachother I don't know the reason but I just know that I warned them amd they didn't listen and today there son and daughters are here to know who are there soulmate

Jk:why father didn't told us about it

Tae:is this a reason you get angry at the gazebo *asking to luna*

Luna:yes it was

Aphrodite:ohh...luna dear

Luna:what *rudely*

Aphrodite:well you all are so rude I will choose one form each group ummm....yes liana for Lilith daughter oh....look at you just like your mother and hoseok form lucifer sons ah .....look at you hoseok you're just like your father

Liana:goddess Aphrodite we just want that old book of soulmates 

Aphrodite:thatcold book has everyone's soulmate names so I can't give you book I can just tell you all about your soulmates

Hoseok:ok so pelese tell us

Aphrodite;well my cupids already did there work they already make you all fall for your soulmates

Liana:but goddess Aphrodite who are they

Liana Pov

Suddenly Aphrodite take out two papers and said

Aphrodite:in these papers there are the name of your soulmates  but you have to open it back in your palace and have to marry your soulmates soon as possible

Hoseok:ok as you say

Aphrodite:ok so i'm going upstairs cuz Jesus is calling me you all can also leave now

Jimin:well goddess Aphrodite I have to say you're very beautiful *smirk*

Aphrodite:ahhh....jimin I am a goddess so your these tricks are not going to work om me try hard and use these tricks on your soulmate *smiles*


Me an hoseok handed those papers to luna and jin hand and we all started walking Suddenly Jin said

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