Discussion .20

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As soon as we reached in rhe palace I ran to luna I saw she was sitting in the room and talking to Lia I ran and hugged her

Luna:hey hey relax Liana what happened you told me you have a date today so I thought you'll come late but its just 1 hour

Liana:actually Luna I saw her there and that's why I leave my date in the middle to tell you

Luna:what does she following us and why the hell you leave the date what hoseok and jk was thinking huh

Liana:ummm.....yes but that was more important

Lia:what with that ring

Liana:oww....actually hoseok and jk proposed me and I accepted it

Lia:that's good

Luna:Lia call Lucy we have to think something and also have to discuss about it



Jin:are you sure jk

Jk:yes hyung I am 100% sure i know those green eyes and black hair

Namjoon:that means he is following us

Yoongi:maybe he is planning something

Jimin:what if he will try to hurt our queens

Hoseok:don't worry we will never let this happen jimin

Jin:what are you thinking Tae

Tae:my feelings are saying that it will be not good if we will delay our marriage

Yoongi:I agree with him hyung it will be good if we all will marry soon and take over our throne

Hoseok:also hyung now we also have to protect our queens cuz they are our lives

Jin:ok ok relax you all today at the dinner tabel u will discuss it with Luna

Namjoon:it would be good hyung

Jin:ok you all can take your leave now


Luna Pov

Lucy:what the hell are you saying Luna

Luna:don't shout do you want to tell the prince about this

Lucy;ahhh....luna I don't want her to be the obstacle in our wedding

Luna:if she will ever try to hurt you 3 I will surely kill her

Lia:that's what I am saying you form past few years let's go and kill her

Liana:but Lia Luna is also right somehow we all know that she is more powerful then us

Lucy:no maybe she is a pure devil but if we 4 are together then we will kill her

Luna:now just leave this topic tonight at the dinner tabel I will discuss about wedding to jin

Lucy:that would be good

Luna:ok so let's go to dinner tabel

We 4 walked to the dining hall and the 7 brothers are already sitting on the chair waiting for us they are looking serious is something wrong ummm.....should I ask them well why not after we are going to be husband and wife ok i will ask namjoon when we will be alone we sat inthe tabel and food served

Luna:ummm....jin I want to talk to you about marriage

Jin:yeah i also want to talk about it

Luna:so should we talk now and discuss it with everyone

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