Advises .18

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--*At the dining hall*--

Luna Pov

I sat on the chair and the atmosphere was not that pleasant I mean only yoongi and lia was looking happy jimin was looking like he is very angry hoseok and jk is happy Liana was smiling by looking both of them Lucy was playing with her food while thinking something Jin eyes was stuck on lucy and namjoon and taehyung was staring at me and I am staring at my soon to be family

Nmajoon:let's start eating


Yoongi:so hyung when are we getting married and Luna will soon decide it

Lia:hmmmm......I see ok take your time guys

Soon our dinner finished and I saw jimin walking out of the dining hall I thought to follow him so I said

Luna:you all go I will coming in few minutes

Lucy:ok luna

I followed him Suddenly I heard a whispers in my back I turned around but there was no one I thought it would be my hallucination

I again started walking but I again heard footsteps this time I ran form there and turned in bat

And then I saw namjoon abs Tae talking

Namjoon:where she disappeared Suddenly

Tae:yaa....I gold you hyung that you should remove your shoes she might heard your footsteps

Namjoon:ahhhhh......keep quite where did she go that fast

I sat on the Tae shoulder and loudly squeaked in his ear

Tae;aaaa.....hyung look a bat capture it hyung fast

Namjoon:ummm....yes good idea we can gift it to luna she might be happy

Ahhhh.....they are thinking to capture me ahhhh....but have to say they are so sweet I melted here before namjoon can abel to use his powers on me I flew away form Tae shoulder and sat on the floor and changed myself they saw me you here

Tae:we are just pa-passing form here you both are following me and can I know why

Namjoon:actually we both wanted to spent sometime with you but you ran form the dining hall so we are just curious that where are you going

Luna:oww....its ok my soon to be husband's I was just following jimin


Luna:its just he was looking angry and I think he was angry cuz of Lucy answer so I thought to give him some advice to impress Lucy

Tae;well it's a good idea so let's go

Luna:ok let's go

We three walked together to his room and saw the door was open and a figure was standing near the window watching the moon I approached him and he was amazed seeing me there

Jimin:noona you here


Jimin:ummm.....yes cuz now you're going to be namjoon hyung wife so *awkward laugh*

Luna:no no its ok just call me luna

Jimin:umm.....ok so what are you doing here

Namjoon:well she came here to gave you some advice to impress Lucy

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