Night Party.25

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Hoseok Pov

Jk take me to my room and make me sat on the bed I was really very angry that time then jk said

Jk;hyung you just relax and calm down I have some work I will be back soon

I hummed in response but as soon as he left I started throwing things in the room and yelled my heart put suddenly I felt that someone was staring at me and she was Liana she came to me and said

Liana:hoseok what happened look at me *holding hus hands*

She tried to hold my hands but I just yanked my hand and started leaving the room I reached to door and tries to open it but then i saw Liana was murmuring a spell

Hoseok:liana just open the door I want to go *yelled*

Liana:no not until I calm you down

She walked to me and dragged me by holding my hand she make me sat on bed and treated the wound on my hand which happened when I throwed a glass vase she cleaned the blood form my hand and I hissed in pain

Liana:I told you many times hoseok that much anger is not good but why you will listen me afterall who am I for you *focused on the wound*

Hoseok:I dare you to say the same sentence again you're my life ok and its just I can't abel to control my anger

Liana:but it doesn't mean that you have right to hurt yourself *bandaging the wound*

I was about act angry again but suddenly my eyes fall on her hands and her hands was also bleeding the same place my hands was cut I hold her hands and looked at her

Liana:ummm....its nothing leave it *yanked her hand*

Hoseok:tell me how it happened I told you many times that you don't have to work

Liana:I didn't do anything its just you got hurt and now when we 3 are connected to eachother with the thread of love then if anything will happen to both of you I will also feel the pain *looking down*

Hoseok:why you didn't tell me this before

Liana:it doesn't matter tho *started leaving*

She started leaving but I pulled her by her wrist and she fell ok my lap I was staring at her wound when I saw the wound started healing I again looked at her

Liana:actually if you both will treat you wound fastly then my wound will also heal *smiles*

Hoseok:oh.......ummm......sorry form Next time i will make sure yo not harm myself *coldly*

Liana:you're angry with ke right *raised eyebrow* look sorry for yesterday  night to be honest I was joking around you both

Hoseok:its ok don't think about that much *coldly* jk is also angry with me

Hoseok:no he just laughed when I told him about your plan *coldly*

Liana:Hmmm....I see and what about you do you forgive me *doe eyes*

Hoseok:yes a longtime ago *coldly*

Liana:Wow you don't even know how to lie *rolls eyes*

After saying this she tried to kiss me but i just moved back and turned my face I thought maybe she was doing this because she was thinking i am angry because of her

Liana:Wow you're denying the kiss of World Wide Beautiful its ok now don't come to me when you will feel horny *walked to the mirror*

I was about to say something but I saw her walking to the mirror and she is staring at me through the mirror she has a mischievous smirk on her face Suddenly she said

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