Royal Court.28

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--*Next Morning*--

Lucy Pov

I woke up cuz of sun rays and found myself in jimin arms I closed my eyes And remembers the moments of last night I opened my eyes and stared at his angelic face how can someone be that cute but hot at the same time I pecked his lips and sat on the bed near him

Jimin:ahh....good morning wifey

Lucy:good morning

Jimin:are you ok *raised eyebrow*

Lucy:yes I am last night was my best night *smiles*

Jimin:as well as mine *eye smile*

Lucy:ahhh..........lets go back to our room I am sure Jin was finding us

Jimin:true here wear my shirt cuz it will be easy to wear

Lucy:and you'll walk shirtless? *raised eyebrow*

Jimin:obviously now lets go

We both walked out of the room I was looking so tiny in his shirt soon we reached our room and get inside I saw Jin was sleeping shirtless I said

Lucy:ahhh....jimin its 5 o'clock I am going back to sleep

Jimin:ok your sleep I am going for jogging

Lucy:but its too early

Jimin:well good for jogging shirtless

Lucy:no don't you think about that go take your shirt and wear it

Jimin:or what about you

Lucy;I am in my room near my husband I will sleep naked also it makes me feel calm

Jimin:ok queen as you say I am get going meet you after few hours

Lucy:yeah bye

Soon he left the room and I fell on the bed near Jin ahhh....he is looking so hot he is back facing me when i looked closely I saw he has a small "7" tattoo on his lower waist wow thats cute like 7 means the 7 brothers well our thoughts are so similar I also have a "4" tattoo on the backside of my ear

I moved closed to him and gave a peck on his tattoo I slowly traced my fingers on his back and inhaled his scent I bited his ear lightly but seems like be is a heavy sleeper I again fell on my aide and closed my eyes Suddenly I felt hot breath near my ear

I turn my face and saw jin was staring at me without blinking I turned to his side and creased his cheek and he is creasing my face after some time he said

Jin:where have you been last night

Lucy;I was with jimin did you both enjoyed last night

Lucy:yes We did and sorry for yelling at you yesterday

Jin:I am also sorry for yelling at you my queen its just I am very tensed after yesterday night

Lucy:I can understand my husband don't worry everything will be fine just wait for the right time

Jin:Hmmm........well why you pecked my tattoo *raised eyebrow*

Lucy:oh....its just It looked cute tho and to be honest I want to bite that place but I thought It will distrub your sleep

Jin:you was looking very beautiful yesterday night I wanted to dance with you but the tension was taking over my mind *creased her soft skin*

Lucy:its ok I am all yours qe will dance some other day so what you going to do today

Jin:I don't know maybe I will plan something against suho hyung and what about you 4

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