Jisoo and Suho.26

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Luna Pov

We all sneakily went to the room and doors are already opened we saw a figure backfacing us we goes to her and bowed to her

Luna:good evening

J:good evening queens of zeltron or should i say my so called step sisters *smirk*

Lia:look who is talking about step siblings *scoff*

Jisoo:what did you said huh.... *angrily*

Luna:relax jisoo forgive her

Jisoo:only jisoo call me unnie Luna do you forget that *smirk*

Luna:I didn't forget that I was just

Lucy:why you came back in our life after that much year can't you see us happy *yelled*

Jisoo:don't yell at me I came back because you 4 snatched the throne which belongs to me

Liana:we know you're not alone in all this who is supporting you who is with you

??:ahhhh.....darling look at her she is just like her husband

Luna:who are you and why the fuck are you calling her darling

Suddenly we heard 7 panting voice and we recognized it it was our husband's voice

Jin:we are here now tell us what you want

Tae:yeah just tell us hyung and leave us

Suddenly the dark room was full of bright lights there was 2 figures standing infront of us we looked at our husband's and they looked at us we all were so shocked

Jisoo:are you shocked liana Hmmm....seems like you all don't know about eachother that much

??:jin don't you introduce me to my sister in laws *smirk*

Jisoo:amd Luna don't you introduce me to my brother in laws

Luna:what is going on namjoon how you know him

Namjoon:how you know her Luna and why she is calling us brother in law huh.....

Tae:and what you all are doing here

Jisoo:aish.....so much drama but I liked that

??:me too darling *smirk to jisoo*

Jin:namjoon and Luna stop it and Luna,Lucy,liana and lia meet our older brother Kim Suho

Suho:hiii....sisters wow....have to say my brother's choice are very good *checking out Luna*

Luna:wait is he your own brother namjoon

Namjoon:yes he is

Lucy:and you 3 never bothered to tell us about him

Jin:Lucy few years ago when father was alive he disowned him cuz he was not good for inferno

Suho:father was wrong form the beginning I was the best choice but he disowned me and gave his throne to you 7

Hoseok:yeah because he know that how toxic and clever you are *yelled*

Suho:jin I told you many times to control your brother or his queen will be widow soon

Liana:fuck you just touch him and you'll die by my hands *eyes all red*

Jisoo:touch him and I will take your life form my hands *smirk* 

Liana:unnie if someone will ever try to touch my family then i will not care who is it I will kill him or her *dark red eyes*

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