The Gazebo .11

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Luna Pov

Jin:look Luna that black rose plant was planted by namjoon

Luna:what namjoon also like planting and gardening

Jin:yes he does Tae also like plants but not more then namjoon

Luna:what else namjoon abd taehyung likes

Jin:well namjoon likes reading and taehyung likes writing

Luna:Wow....that's cool

Jin:yes and namjoon is very understandable but Taehyung is possessive type

Luna:well what you likes about Lucy

Jin:to be honest her face when she was infront of me She is so cute and sweet

Luna:yes but just like me her sexual need are very high

Jin:yes but I bet that me and jimin together will abel to satisfy her in every angel *smirk+murmurs*

Luna:did you said something Jin

Jin:nah nah nothing you liked garden

Luna:yes so much well now what next

Jk:well let me take you somewhere princess Luna

Liana Pov

What the fuck isn't jk getting much friendly with Luna like he should ask me like that we used to be friends ahhhh......fuck him *rolls eyes*

Luna:yeah sure jk and you don't have to call me princess *chuckles*

Namjoon & Tae:Wow......look at the smile of vampire princess Luna who don't even know how to talk sweetly *sarcastically*

Liana:I told you both na that absorb her and don't irritate her *whispered to namjoon and tae*

Jk:ok ok luna follow me I am sure you'll like that place

Luna:ok let's see where are we going

Jk:well do you want to drink something Luna *bowed*

Luna:no jk why it seems like you want to make someone jealous *force smile+whispered to her ear*

Jk:well I am not trying make anyone jealous ok

Luna:Don't lie to me I can read minds just tell me

Jk:not now Luna

What the fuck they are whispering to eachother ears and why jk is behaving so well with Luna ahhhh.....he is annoying me *rolls eyes*

Luna Pov

Jk took us to the very beautiful gazebo the gazebo was made up of black marbel and little bit of ruby and emerald well if vampire can't deny ruby then devils of inferno also can't deny emerald but the fun fact is that ruby stones can

only found in inferno and emerald stone is only abel to found in zeltron and the mystery behind this is also related to the great love story of Inferno King Lucifer and Zeltron Queen Lilith huh..........what was the reason behind your decision lucifer

Liana:the gazebo us beautiful but where did you fond that much emerald

Hoseok:that gazebo was built in our father time means before our birth

Yoongi:whenever our father wants to take a big decision be came here and sat here watching the sun set

Lia:I see seems like that gazebo was your father I mean Great King Lucifer favorite place

Tae:yeah he used to tell us that he built that gazebo for someone special

Lucy:maybe for your mother's

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