Bitter Past.27

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Luna Pov

Jimin:so does that mean she is our half sister?

Jk:and what should I call her noona,sister in law or just Jisoo

Liana:jisoo sounds good

Lia:to be honest bitch sounds good *gritting teeth*

Liana:why are you inviting the trouble for you even now when we know that its not only about your life *scolding lia*

Luna:and now do you mind to tell is about that baby thing

Lia:ummm....yes I am 1 week pregnant

Lucy:Wow....well who is the father of the baby *whispered in her ear*

Lia:bitch obviously yoongi *death glare+whispered back*


Lia:I got to knew about it one day before our marriage and I am just waiting for the right time to tell you all

Yoongi:not just you we both are waiting for the right time

Luna:ahhhh.....its ok Lia I am very happy about that but the thing is that now you're a very easy target for jisoo

Lucy:and now we have to protect that baby at any cost  he or she will be the first baby made with deadly sin blood and vampire blood

Luna:ok so its done that form now on we all will take care of Lia yoongi and the baby *smiles*

Lia:luna I know that somehow my pregnancy will affect the fight between you and jisoo but I can't do anything

Luna:you're wrong Lia it will not affect me and also we all are really very happy about that so don't worry ok *smiles*

Lucy:so Mr.Kim Seokjin we told you all about jisoo now do you mind to tell us about that suho aka my brother in law *yelled lightly* first you just relax we will tell you all about him for now just sit down

Yoongi:you also sit Lia it will be good for you

Lucy:ok ok now tell

Jin:suho hyung was rhe first child of our mother and our father father loved him so much

Namjoon:but when he started growing up he started kidnapping the teenage girls and started rapeing them no one knows about it

Tae;but one day he kidnapped our cousin sister Glasya daughter if our uncle asmodeus and aunty Medusa she is 3 years younger form suho hyung

Hoseok:I agree we are demons but our right,culture and manners don't allow us to rape the females of our own kingdom and even when we know that the girl infront of is our sister

Jimin:its not like that we don't rape girls we do I also did it many times but never raped the females of our kingdom we always goes for hunt of our prey in brightworld and weuse them

Jk:he didn't stopped here when our dad was get to knew about he scolded him and told him that he is going to disown him cuz there is nothing more important then the self respect of our sister

Yoongi;father disowned him but he was very toxic before leaving the kingdom he killed our father form his teenage he was giving slow poison to our father so he can abel to take over the throne

Jin:and when father disowned him a night before leaving the kingdom he gave a very heavy dose to our father we all get to know this after few months

Namjoon:our father last words was that don't let him touch the throne but now here we are we don't know what to do and when to do

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