Hiding Something.33

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Lia Pov

We all just reached our house and sat on the sofa I was checking my phone when I got a e-mail form the company that we all have to survey our employees how they are working

Luna:ok so girl now lets go to our room and rest cuz tommrow we have so many works

Lucy:yes let's goo

We all leave for our respective rooms I entered in the room and saw the couch ahhh....I remember how me and yoongi used to gossip while laying on the couch ahhh.....I am already missing him seems like the days are going to be hard

Luna Pov

Its midnight and I am not ready to sleep I was walking in my room thinking many things but at last I got no answer of my any thought ahhh....mother where are you I need you this time

I decided to go to the mother room I walked to the room and opened the doors only to see the room is lighted with candels I closed the door and walked to the piano

Luna:why are you not talking to me mother

Lilith:oh.....luna its not like that

I was taking to her but is she ignoring me she is just continously playing piano well yes my mother is dead but as you all know that only bodies die souls don't die and afterall she is the Great Queen Lilith how can her soul die

So yes her soul leaves in her room she don't go outside of this room she says that this room reminds her about our father and her love well back to the point I was looking at my mother and she is just playing the piano

I hold her hands and knelt infront of her then I said

Luna:mother are you hiding something

Lilith:n-no Luna why should I *looking away*

Luna:then why you're not talking to me form the day jisoo came

Lilith:its jisoo unnie Luna *glared*

Luna:whatever mother just tell me if you're hiding something *soft eyes*

Lilith:first tell me how everything is going in inferno and zeltron

Luna:what should I say mother everything is so messed up the situation of both kingdoms are getting wrose day by day and we didn't abelto get that wand yet *looking down*

Lilith:oh....my dear look at me do you ever wondered that why my soul only talks to you and why only you can see my soul

Luna:ummm....I-I don't know

Lilith:its because form the day you was born I knew that you'll manage everything I trust all 5 of you but i trust you more than anyone

Luna:I see and I respect about your trust on me- wait did you just said all 5 of us *raised eyebrow*

Lilith:yes i did *smiles*

Luna:mother don't play with le just tell me na what are you hiding

Lilith:I guess this is not the right time for now you just have to focus on that wand

Luna:I am trying hard to get that wand form jisoo unnie I know she will misuse it

Lilith:luna get that wand as soon as possible cuz I know that someone else is also trying to get that wand

Luna:who is it mother tell me

Lilith:not now maybe tommrow also for now you go and sleep cuz you have a lot of work tommrow *smile*

Luna:ahhh....yes mother I know you know form last few days everything messing up in my mind i can't even abel to concentrate on my marriage life *annoyed tone*

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