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Luna Pov

I was fixing my clothes when my eyes fall on lucy she is sitting infront of mirror applying some foundation on her collarbone I walked to her and said

Luna:what are you hiding and why today whole day you weared a high neck dress *raised eyebrow*

Lucy:ahhh...i-its just today at the afternoon Jin gave me few dark hickeys and I wanted to hide them so

Luna:Hmmm....i see but only hickies *smirk*

Lucy:yes luna and waht about your back neck and front neck *smirk*

Luna:its just bug bites *nervously laugh*

Lucy:I see sems like the bugs are very big *teasing smile*

Luna:ahhhhh.....ok namjoona nd Tae gave it to me while our makeout session

Lucy:so how are you feeling

Luna:to be honest I feel very good well you know they both are insisting me to stay with them and we 3 will cuddle and sleep romantic then why are you here?

Luna:ahhh....well you know me well Lucy If I will stay with them then o am 100% sure that I will lose my control and we will do it before our marriage

Lucy:well why doing sex is not good before marriage in our ritual

Luna:doing sex before marriage is not bad but doing sex with the soulmate before marriage is not good

Lucy;ummm.....and why so?

Luna:its just our late elders think that we can't control our lust for few days or weeks but why are you asking it *raised eyebrow*

Lucy:actually remember the day I told you about my power

Luna:yes I remember

Lucy:that day I saw the dream in which I was dominating jimin ans we are doing it I also marked him

Luna:so does that mean the mark jimin was showing is real and given by you


Luna:ahhh....ummm....its ok but don't you think you have to tell this to me few days before

Lucy:yeah I know sorry actually I was confused

Luna:ahhhh....its ok see its already mate let's go and sleep we have to wake up early for our shopping

Lucy:luna what if she will try to hurt the 7 prince

Luna:no Lucy I don't think so that she will it but don't you worry if she will even try to disturb them then no one can save her form me

Lucy:I trust you Luna ahhhh....lets sleep now I am really very sleepy

Luna:I agree well where is Lia and liana

Lucy:they are gone for the night walk in garden


Lia:hii girls we are here

Lucy;finally you both came so now lets sleep

Liana:yeah yeah sure let's go well Luna what happened with your neck

Luna:no comments on this and also you 3 are smart to get that *disappointed smile*

Lia:yeah yeah well whats with that nightdress *smirk*

Luna:what the weather is hot and that's why I wore that nightdress

Liana:but isn't to revelling

Luna:who cares its just for night I am not going out of this room and also its comfortable

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