First Night.23

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Luna Pov

As soon as I enters in namjoon room I saw the room was decorated with my favourite candels and flowers the bed was also decorated with flowers petals I was admiring the whole room when suddenly I felt a pair of muscular hands around my waist

Namjoon:did you like that baby

Luna:well not gonna lie I loved it *kissed his jawline*

Tae;well the bed decoration was my idea

Luna:yeah I know cuz only you know my favourite flowers

Namjoon:hmm.....well you might be hungry I told the maid to send your food here look there she is

A maid was come and put the food tray in the tabel but the only thing which caught my eye was her eyes she was not the regular maid of this palace

I walked to the food and tae was about to take a bite but I snatched it form his hands and checked the food the food was pure and good but there was a note under my plate I took the note and ran to washroom I opened the note

--*In the Note*--

My dear Luna I am here for you 11 now you think snatching the throne form me is that easy no you're wrong now start counting your last days and spend your last good time with your husband's

                ~Your Queen 'J'

Ahhh.....what is this now what will i do should I tell them about her no it would be not good cuz what if they will try to kill her we 4 hate her but can't see her dying but sometime it seems like that killing is the best option ahhh....have to do something maybe my sisters also get notes like this

I was about to ho out of the room when someone pulled me by my wrist and he is namjoon he make me sit on his lap and said

Namjoon:where are you going

Luna:ahhh...i just want to meet my sisters

Namjoon:you're not going anywhere until you don't eat your food *stern voice*

Luna:I will eat it later *doe eyes*

Namjoon:no Luna you didn't ate anything form the last night its already 24 hours now just sit in my lap and let me feed you

This is the first time in my life when I am obeying someone like his voice and deep eyes is doing something to me I was staring g at him and eating my food like a good girl

Namjoon:ok now the food is finish you can go anywhere you want

Luna:yess......ok I am going

Namjoon:but don't forget that your loving husband's is waiting for you so make ot quick *smirk*

Luna:*gulped* yeah i-i will

I ran out of the room and saw Lucy and lia is already in open terrace probably waiting for me and liana I ran to them and I saw lia was in her night robe

Lucy:you also get that note?

Luna:yeah I get that

Lia:I also

Liana:I also sisters *running to them*

Luna:it seems like she disturbed someone's first night *smirked at lia*

Lia:ahh....can we talk about the problem

Lucy:yeah why not but first tell me how was your night Liana

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