She will Hate Me.35

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Luna Pov

Listening the story of there mothers is very intresting I was feeling streesfree I want to listen more I adjusted my head in his lap and he is creasing my hair I said

Luna:ok tell me more na

Tae:Hmmm....ok ok so now comes to our 3rd mother Jung Ji-Ha

Luna:hoeeok mother right?

Tae:yes so liana is just like her not in everything but yes in beauty and mind she was also very short tempered but she know how to control her anger but hoseok hyung can't control his anger but its ok cuz nowadays Liana control hyung anger and hyung control her anger

Luna:Wow......I am happy that my sister is not only angry women

Tae:well yes if the mother was alive today then she will be very happy seeing her and also they both will team up and roast hoseok hyung *chuckles*

Luna:ok ok now next one

Tae:ok so now our 4th mother Park Min-Ha she was very different like you can say just like jimin I mean jimin is just like her beautiful angel like features but also very flirty and she always used to make us laugh she is the cool mother not gonna lie but she is the one who teach us everything about flirt and all *chuckles*

Luna:oo.....I see I really want to meet all your mother's

Tae:yeah yeah ok now let me tell you about our 5th mother Jeon Mi-Na she was very cold type women she never talks to anyone except our mothers and father she never listens to anyone and always do what she wants to do she is very stubborn she only listens to my mother mean Kim Chae-Young and also she can kill anyone for my mothers and father cool I really like them all ahhh.....tae I want to meet them

Tae;baby let me sing the lullaby for you and you sleep peacefully tommrow is a big day for you

He started singing lullaby and i didn't realised when I closed my eyes And drifted into my dreamland

Tae Pov baby is so stressed I am happy that I decided to visit her today seems like she fell asleep suddenly I saw someone opened the door very slowly and I saw Liana peeking inside room

She got amazed after seeing me then all 3 came inside the room and smiled at me they said

Lia:Wow.......our Luna got a loving husband *teasing tone*

Tae;yaaa....its not like that its just I was missing her so I came to visit her *blushing*

Lucy:its ok we know how much you and namjoon love her *smiles*

Liana:and we are happy for her cuz after the mother death she never focus on herself but now she is happy

Tae:not gonna lie but she is everything for me and namjoon hyung *staring at you*

Lia:well we just came here to see what she is doing form past few days she was very stressed and we can sense it in her voice

Liana:we hope tonight she will sleep peacefully

Lucy;ok now we will take our leave you both sleep peacefully good night *smiles*

They 3 leave the room and I sat beside Luna and creased her hair I didn't realised when my eyes become heavy and I fell asleep

Suddenly my eyes opened I check the time its 3:00 am and Luna was sleeping deeply my eyes opened cuz of piano sound I think I know who is playing it I take Luna head and adjusted it in the pillow

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